Omake Nee-chan's Boyfriend?

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Hi guys! Wow it's been awhile since I last did an omake hehe, this one takes place when Yuna and the guys are still at the Alicien Manor.

Here at the descriptions for Lily's subclasses that I have names.

They all have red eyes btw

Aki: black hair wearing a white shirt with back shorts and black suspenders

Ruri: light purple hair wearing a purple overall dress with a black shirt underneath

Momo: orange hair tied in a ponytail with a yellow ribbon wearing a peach colored shirt and a yellow skirt

Jiro: mint green hair wearing a blue long sleeved shirt and lighter blue pants

Toto: teal colored hair wearing overall shorts with a sky blue shirt underneath

The next chapter may take awhile to come out because it takes place during the three day time skip


When Dodo brought Nee-chan back with Yuri and her friends the kids immediately surrounded her, they were very happy to see her again.

Right now Nee-chan was playing with Jiro and Toto.

Th big Onii-san who Nee-chan called Tetsu was swinging some of the kids high up.

"Ne, ne, Aki?" Momo tugged on Aki's shirt.

"What?" Aki asked turning to face her.

"Do you think that big Onii-san is Nee-chan's boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend? I don't know, why don't you ask Mari and Yuri?"

"Because, ummm..." Momo pointed somewhere behind him.

The twins stood there by the corner glaring (more like pouting) at Tetsu-san.

"Oh..." Aki blinked.

"He has to be!" Ruri squealed popping out of nowhere making them jump.

"Just look at him!" She giggled pointing at Tetsu-san.

The tall blonde kept glancing at Nee-chan with soft eyes, he seemed to smile every time he looked at her.

It gave Aki a weird feeling.

"He can't like her," Aki frowned.

"Why?" The girls blinked.

"She's our Nee-chan..." Aki mumbled now understanding the twins feelings.

Aki gave a small huff before walking forward and grabbing Nee-chan's hand.

"Eh? Aki?" Nee-chan blinked kneeling down to get closer.

"Nee-chan can you play with me?"

Nee-chan smiled brightly.

"Of course!" She giggled holding both of his hands.

Aki spared a glance at Tetsu-san and met his gaze.

And stuck his tongue out.

Tetsu-san's not getting Nee-chan that easily.


Hehehehe this was fun!

Fun Fact; The boots Yuna wears is the same one Ruby wears in Volume 4-5, the black and red ones with buckles

Poll link;

I won't give up one of Yuna's abilities someone suggested a drawback with her new ability like quirks from BnHA so I'll think of something

Now I'm thinking about a BnHA crossover with Yuna 😆

Don't forget to comment!


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