465 21 0

Jason P.O.V

Should I be nervous?

I'm just going with Justin.
It's nothing to panic about. Right?
I'm just losing my balls aren't I?

"Flight number 148 is now boarding" My eyebrows shot up. That's my flight. The luxury of Justin being a model is he has his owe private jet.  He asked me to go with him but I refused because I would not be able to handle myself.

I stood up and went to give the flight attendant my plane ticket. "Uhh this is not your flight sir"

"Excuse me?"

"Your flight is 147, which left 40 minutes ago" she pointed to the ticket. Fuck

"Your kidding? When's the next flight to Italy?" I asked pinching the bridge of my nose.

"In two days" She answered.

"Two day!?" I exclaimed

"I'm going to need you to lower your voice sir, now if you want to pu-" I cut her off with a no thanks and walked off with my luggage.

I say my phone lit up and saw Justin's name pop up on my screen. Fuck "Hey Jason?"

"Yes that's me" I faked a laugh.

"Did you board your flight yet?" He asked kindly. Such a sweet human being.

"Uh actually my flight- I missed my flight and I thought that the flight I was boarding was my flight so when I went- I'm rambling- I missed my flight" What a nerd

"If you hurry you can fly with me" He spoke softly. "

Fly with Justin? Justin Drew Bieber? The fucking model?

"Are you sure? I can just book-" he cut me off. "Nonsense Jason, come on it'll be fun...we can play uno and 21 questions"He said cutely. He's so adorable.

"Where do I go?"

"Uno out" I smiled as I put down my last card. Justin threw his cards on the table.

"I lowkey feel like your cheating"

"how dare you call me a cheater" I gasped. Justin laughed before shuffling the deck.

"There's no way you won, 5 times in a row...tell me your secret" he begged. I licked my lips and looked at him.

"there is no secret, just greatness" I chuckled.

"cockyyyy, play me one more time"

"Okay, let's make a bet then" Justin raised his eyebrows.

"Okay let me hear" He had a toothless smile.

"If I win, you gotta take me sightseeing in Italy" I said.

"And if i win...you become my personal photographer" I like his deal better.


"Let's shake on it" Justin put his hand out. I shook his soft hands as Justin passed me my seven cards

I could've won but how can I pass up being Justin's photographer.

"Ha I win" he stuck his tongue out.

"Boohoo, one win" I scoffed.

"guess whose my personal photographer now" he smiled at me. "yanno I like you Jason. your young, your fun, your sweet"

"i can say the same thing about you Justin"

Justin blushed and put his hand on his cheek to cover the redness.

"Mr.Bieber we are about to land" the flight attendant announced.

"Thank you Lucy, and I told you call me Justin"
Justin spoke softly.

Lucy smiled and said "thank you, Justin" before walking away.

"Are you excited for your shoot?" I asked grabbing my camera.

"Yeah, it seems like a lot of people like my new look"

"it's different, in the modeling world I see a lot of people with similar faces, your one of a kind"

"Jason your making me blush" he joked playing with his hoodie.

"I bet the food there is really good, I mean imagine the pizza"

"I wouldn't know" Justin muttered.

"You never had Italian pizza!?"

"i never ate here" Justin spoke. My jaw dropped. It's Italy, I've seen him do a lot of shoots here so how could he not.

"Haven't you stayed in Italy for like a weeks straight?" I asked. Justin stayed quiet. "Did you not eat that whole trip?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Justin we have landed" Lucy said.

The Model (Jastin)Where stories live. Discover now