&chapter 5&

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I woke up that morning feeling good it was about 8:23 am I stretched  and got up. The room looked the same as always I looked toward the door it was open that's... weird. I walked out it was Friday and tomorrow Alfa Aaron is going to take me shopping. Whatever there's noting to do today. I got out of bed and changed into some random clothes and went downstairs. I grabbed a (non-copyrighted drink) and a doughnut. after breakfast I was questioning what to do with my life.

(many meme copulations later...)

It was now 2;45 pm man did I really sit  there that long... I have no life. I got up and went to Alfa's room inside the red walls shined and the windows had been boarded up. I went to his closet that's where he used to go to play his guitar I started to sing along when I was 7. I wasn't bad but I got better. So many memories! I opened the door letting a small creek roam the empty house. Inside was a bot I bent down on one knee and opened it inside was his old guitar, photos of us as kids, our old ball, and some gloves. two pairs of gloves to be exact one was black with a red streak the other was (color) with a (color) streak I took the second pair and closed the box. as I heard the door open I quickly turned of the closet light and shut the door. I then left and went to see Aaron downstairs. "hey bro" I smiled he smiled back with... the last muffin in his hand it was strawberry bc well... werewolves. I jumped and grabbed it from his hand when I caught it I ran outside and climbed to the top of my favorite tree I could hear Aaron calling for me but I wasn't coming down until I finished my muffin.

(another time skip)

after finishing 'my' muffin I jumped down from the tree. When I went inside Aaron started yelling at me for stealing his muffin I just blocked him out thinking about what I should eat today when the door opened revealing Mel "hey Mel!" I grinned giving her a hug she smiled "hey lil' sis and bro" she said we glared at her she laughed and gave us each a box I opened mine a little confused. 'she never gives us gifts' I thought to myself. when my box was opened inside was a jackespticeye necklace i smiled as i pit around myself and hugged her. When Aaron opened his it revealed a hoodie he smiled and patted Mels head "thanks mel"

(later bc i tired)

It was night and i was atchin Netflix but i kept thinking of that mystery girl and SP was sick i sighed 'ill go back tommrow' i thought before dozing off...

]that was short i don't update on wedsdays or whatever. i love you all bai!!


Aaron's Twin:::::Katelyn x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now