"I'll get him dressed," Tommy smiled as he fixed his tie once he was dressed before he walked over to the bed where Timothy was sat. She placed his clothes down on the bed before walking to her wardrobe at the other side of the room, clothes down on the bed and flicked through the dresses that were hung. Victoria was now due to give birth to their two unborn children which meant that there were only few outfits that she was able to fit into, she picked out her dress and dropped her night gown to the floor once Tommy had left with the small child. It took her a few minutes to get the dress over her body comfortably before walking into the bathroom and using the large mirror against the wall to get a better view of herself. The high-neck, navy blue dress was loose enough around her torso to fit her growing bump but fit around her chest, the dress reaching her mid arm.

Once she had finished adjusting her dress, Victoria walked back out to their bedroom and slipped on her navy kitten heels and sat down on the stool at her dressing table. She applied a minimal amount of crème powder to the few blemishes she had, a light brushing of rouge to the apples of her cheeks and a few spritz' of her signature perfume. Lastly, the young brunette pulled her hair back into a neat low bun, allowing a few stray pieces to hang down from her face. Finally content with how she looked, Victoria stood up from her dressing table and walked out of their bedroom with a content sigh and slowly walked down the stair case, the click of her hells against the wooden stair case echoing slightly.

Just as she walked into the kitchen, Tommy was dishing out porridge into bowls at their kitchen table, the wonderful smells filling up her nose. "There's pot of tea at the table for you too, I've carried the two boxes that you have to sort through into your private room, we'll just be out either in the barn or in the garden so come out when you've finished." Tommy smiled as he sat down in his place at the table, putting a small amount of porridge onto the spoon and blowing before feeding it to Timothy. "It'll keep me busy for a while or so." She smiled as she began eating the breakfast he had made for them, watching as Tommy fed himself and their small child.

Once they had all finished with their breakfast, Tommy placed the empty bowls into the sink and gave them a quick wash over. "Don't mind if I take the rest of this tea into the room with me?" She asked as she picked up the tea pot with half still remaining. "Of course not, I made extra so that there was some left over for you to have." He laughed before picking Timothy up from his chair, "now if you need anything, we'll be right outside."

"I'll be absolutely fine, stop fussing." Victoria smiled pressing a soft kiss to their sons' head before carrying the tea pot and her teacup into her private room, placing them down on the small table beside her arm chair. As she sat down in her chair and opened up the first box, at the top was a small black velvet box, without opening it she already knew what was inside. Slowly she opened the box and let out a sigh, Tommy's mothers' necklace with protective gypsy magic encapsulated within it, that he had given her. Victoria ran her finger over the dark blue, circular pendant with diamonds surrounding it, she had loved wearing it, the sense of pride she felt when Tommy had given it to her. She wore it on the day that she had been raped, the memories of that day that she had spent so had trying to forget filled her mind as she lifted it from the velvet box. After shaking away the thoughts, she placed it around her neck and fixed up the clasp, a smile forming as she glanced down at the necklace, it was finally back where it belonged.

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