43. Two Happy Boys

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"Jordan!" I groaned.

The younger flinched at the angry sound of my voice. "Sorry," he mumbled turning around to face me.

"Go get it," I stated.

He walked over, grabbing a chair and dragging it over to the side of the fence. The boy stepped up on his tip toes with his arm reaching around to the other side. He tried pulling himself up but couldn't. After struggling for a while with trying to get his leg over, he sighed turning to Josh.

"I can't do it," Jordan huffed.

"Why not?"

"I'm too short," the boy said pushing his curls away from his face.

"You're going to have to get it, Josh," Ashley chimed in setting her phone down beside her.

I rolled my eyes standing up and walking towards the chair. Of course, I'm always responsible for fixing other's mistakes since I'm the eldest. That's the problem with having younger sibings, you're parents always rely on you to do things for them.

I stepped up, easily pulling myself over the fence and jumping down landing on two feet.

Tyler's Pov:

My dad wasn't coming back from his business trip until tomorrow and my mum was staying the night at her sister's house. Maddie was at a sleepover and Zack was....... Where ever the hell Zack wonders off to? Meaning I was alone in the house, ignoring Jay because he's alseep 90% of the time.

Today had been an eventful day. It was a relief that Brendon and Ryan were sorted out so school woulnt be awkward. However, I still had Josh to face tomorrow.

I rest my back agasint the wall as I sat on my bed with my laptop perched apon my lap. Our teacher had assigned us some research homework which I was busy doing. Since I had just finished unpacking my suitcase, I thought I might as well start my homework.

As I was typing away on my computer, my eye caught a glimpse of the basketball hidden underneath my desk, Josh's basketball. The one that he tried to obtain when it bounced through my open door into my bedroom at 2am. That time when I accused him of breaking into my room and stealing when he wasn't. That time when we first met....

Guilt started pooling up in my stomach as I stared blankly at the ball laying on the floor. It brought back memories, ones I did not want to remember.

I do not want to think about Josh and I'm not going to. Josh is annoying, I shouldn't feel bad for him.

Remember, Tyler. You hate Josh, as you said yourself before.

If you really hate Josh then why are you thinking about him now?

I'm not.

Yes you are.

I groaned shaking my head from the thought.

C'mon Tyler, concentrate on your homework. You need to get this all right as your parents expect you to.

I went back to typing but then there was a sudden loud bash against my glass bedroom door. I furrowed my brows as I stood up, walked over and drew the curtains wide open. There laying outside in the dark, was a basketball.

Looking up, I saw a certain red haired boy jump over my garden fence and jog over. I strained my eyes to see him clearly, it was hard seeing in the dark.

Josh stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me looking out from my bedroom with crossed arms. He sighed deeply, the moonlight shining on him as he hesitantly walked over and picked his ball up.

~BASKETBALLS~ (Joshler) {COMPLETED}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin