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Sheriff Hunt's Log - Number 73

It wasn't every day that you felt peace, I've been through enough bullshit to know that the good doesn't last long.

But this feeling...I don't think this one is going to go away.

This must be what happiness feels like. I'd forgotten.

Around 10 weeks ago, I was a semi-broken werewolf-human who was trying to keep too many things together. I was trying to stop, as well as help, Lord Thaddeus of the Wolves and last Priest of the Moon with the last Vampire - Felix "Red-Eyes" Freeman.

Only the Moon Goddess knew what was going to happen that fateful night they finally met. I expected Thaddeus to kill Red-Eyes, but I didn't expect him to execute Lara Knight.

I'm glad She stepped in - because if She hadn't, the world would be a very different place now.

As soon as the four of us walked (well I hobbled gracefully) out of the woods, it was almost as though we had finally stopped the bad things happening. When Lord Thaddeus forgave Felix, and Felix forgave him, things started to become better. For all of us. The pieces finally were put together.

I went into full recovery for my leg, while battling my divorce with Peter and for custody of my Jemima. Over the past 10 weeks, I fought tooth and nail - with nothing wolf and vampire to worry about, I put all my focus into that heart-breaking divorce.

I won; won full custody of Jemima and officially divorced Peter.

And I finally accepted the fact that I wasn't a werewolf anymore. I was just a human mother raising her werewolf pup.

During my recovery, the Police Commissioner was so apologetic with how he treated me, how he attacked me and tried to pin a false affair on my shoulders, that when I resigned from the precinct he almost cried and wrote so many letters of praise about me Mayor Fallow was forced to accept me in my new position.

Sheriff Rebekah Hunt of Silver Creek, with my Deputy Julie Sparks... I couldn't let the precinct screw her over, she was a good Detective, and thankfully jumped at the chance to join me.

Jemima's starting school soon, she'll be taught by Luna Carter of Silverwood. I'm quite thankful that she's in a pack with a strong Alpha like Alpha Bella - she has a badass Alpha and a badass mother to look up to.

Peter? He's flown to Sweden, apparently there's some new life around science for him there.

I don't mind. Not anymore - I'm okay with not seeing my mate again, our mate bond died with my wolf - I'm just sad he's not making more of an effort to be a part of Jemima's life, regardless of her occasional habit to sprout fur and fangs.

He was asthmatic, so maybe it is better he's gone.

Like Felix was. Since he left the forest with us, I haven't seen much of him. Guilt still plagues him, I can see that so clearly in his eyes but Lara is working on that.

She's practically dragged him around the world, something about his bucket list? Apparently Australia was interesting for them, Lara was teaching him how to swim and a blue bottle jellyfish wound around his leg.

Lara says he checked off two things on that list that day - Learning How To Swim, and Losing a Fight (it wasn't specified that it had to be with a jellyfish, but he was begging for mercy and that counted).

They're both good though, last I heard. They're working through their pasts together, trying to move on despite everything, but if anyone can do it, it's them.

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