Chapter 2

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The marriage council was new to Dastan. Marriage was not on his mind in the past and did not agree with marriage being a mere business deal but this was the Persian and Alamutian royal tradition. He needed to pick his battles. Tus has gone through the standard terms with the negotiator. They have to give the princess the lead since they are the one in wrong. "This is like a terms of surrender discussion," Dastan commented to which Garsiv replied that marriage is indeed war perhaps worse.

He went into the beautiful Alamutian room, spacious, bright and so elegant. And there she was, with her head down and her veil covering her face up to her lips. She was here, it was not a dream. She was here. His heart stops, he gasps and looks at her. When marriage should be between the bride and a groom, here sits close to twenty men discussing his future. The first part on titles and riches just flew over his head. He was just frozen looking at her.

Tamina sat there, upright, barely moved and showed no emotion but from her thin veil, she could see prince Dastan's stare. He had not taken his eyes off of her. She motioned Asoka to her subtlety.

"Tell prince Dastan to stop gawking and pay attention', she said without moving from her pose.

Shielded by her veil, she traced Asoka's steps and the delivering the message to Bis. He smiled and whispered to Dastan who himself smiled and replied back. Asoka looked uncomfortable with the message he is to deliver. "Princess Tamina, I...' he hesitated. "Speak. Tell me his message," she demanded. "I was asked your highness to repeat it word for word. Prince Dastan said that if you did not want him to stare, you should not look so beautiful."

As soon as the words left Asoka's lips Tamina eyes shot up to see prince Dastan beaming and against her being she felt her smile which she killed off as she pressed her lips together. "Pay attention Dastan,' Garsiv warned, "They are talking about access to the princess." "What is that," he asked. Garsiv face said it all. "What access as in our marriage bed?" Dastan asked shocked. The only reply from Garsiv was a cheeky smile.

"The marriage will be complete with the consummation at the wedding night," the Alamutian councilman read. "The Prince shall have access to the Princess four nights to ensure she is with child within one year of marriage. After the child is born and one year old, the prince may take his second wife."

"What? Seriously?" Dastan interrupted in annoyance.

"If the prince Dastan wishes to extend access and..." Dastan cut him off, 'No it is not about the terms it is this...this discussion itself...'

"Caution Dastan," Tus whispered, "this is how it is done."

"No, this is not! Princess Tamina, may I please have a private audience with you?'

The whole room erupted in protesting whispers as Tus tried in vain to control Dastan. "This is not how it was done traditionally-you do not privately discuss your terms of marriage- it is just not done!" the councilman affirmed.

"Princess Tamina..." Dastan pressed.

Against her better judgment, Tamina instructed the head councilman to announce a recess so that prince Dastan could address her privately. She stood up amid louder whispers as she left to the garden as Asoka motioned Dastan to follow her.

As soon as they were in the adjoining courtyard Tamina turned towards Dastan fiercely and removed her veil. Her hair was tucked neatly with clips adorned with pearls. Her eyes big and brown like a doe, her alabaster skin glowing almost gold. Dastan just stood looking at her, his eyes growing soft with love.

"What do you think you are doing prince," Tamina questioned. "You march into my city, violate our sovereignty, apologise for it and now make a mockery of our ways!"

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