Shopping in Japanese

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With the streets brimming with food stalls and vendors, the high-end boutiques lining Ginza, and the ultra-cool and unique souvenir shops, there is no way to avoid shopping while traveling through Japan.

いらっしゃいませ irasshaimase – Welcome.
これは何ですか?kore wa nan desu ka – What is this?
これは何というものですか?kore wa nan to iu mono desu ka – What's this called?
これはいくらですか?kore wa ikura desu ka – How much is this?
...がありますか? arimasu ka – Do you have...?
ちょっと (高い) です chotto (takai) desu – It's a bit (expensive).
他の色がありますか? hoka no iro ga arimasu ka – Do you have another color?
それを頂きます sore o itadakimasu – I'll take it.
クレジットカードは使えますか? kurejitto kaado wa tsukaemasu ka – Can I use my credit card?
包んでいただけますか? tsutsunde itadakemasu ka – Can I have it gift wrapped?

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