Japanese Phrases for Grabbing a Bite

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All right, so now you've said your "It's been a while" and "Thank you" when your host family picked you up at the airport. That means it's time to talk about what's reallyimportant: food!

お腹が空いています onaka ga suite imasu - I'm hungry.
まだ食べていません mada tabete imasen - I haven't eaten yet.
メニュー、お願いします menyuu, onegaishimasu - Please bring me a menu.
メニュー、お願いできますか?menyuu, onegai dekimasu ka - May I have the menu?
それは何ですか? sore wa nan desu ka - What's that?
これを食べてみたいです kore o tabete mitai desu - I'd like to try this.
...をください ...o kudasai - I'd like...
...がありますか?...ga arimasu ka - Do you have...?
...付きですか? ...tsuki desu ka - Does it come with...?
...が食べられません ...ga taberaremasen - I can't eat...
...アレルギーがあります ...arerugii ga arimasu - I'm allergic to...
おいしいです oishii desu - It's delicious!
まずいですmazui desu - It's terrible.
お腹が一杯です onaka ga ippai desu - I'm full.
お勘定/お会計、お願いします okanjou/okaikei, onegaishimasu - Check, please.
いただきます itadakimasu - Let's dig in!
ごちそうさまでした gochisousama deshita - Thanks for the meal.

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