[[ David X Reader ]] X Daniel

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[[ SAFE ]] - PART 2/2
Pairing: Daniel X [[ Fem!Reader X David ]]
Warnings: Language, Angst, Mention of Death
Word Count: 2,357


It's like 11PM and I'm actually really tired please help me lksnhswjsbb,,,,,,
I'm really sorry if this is confusing by the way lmao,,, this was just an idea I had for awhile and I didn't want to forget it,,

Also, Daniel is fully aware that David founded out that he was a cultist, which added on to his fury. So that's another reason as to why he lashed out so horribly.


P.S sorry if anybody's OOC aah,, ]]

We were running. Running from it all.

GET THEM!” Daniel’s voice boomed. At that moment we heard the sounds of leaves crunching and twigs snapping. We were in trouble. The brainwashed campers were after us.

The burning sensation that I knew all too well started up again in my throat. Tears blurred my vision.

[ NAME ] seemed to have noticed this because she gave me a sympathetic beam, tugging at my hand once more. I swallowed the lump in my throat and accelerated so I wouldn’t slow her down.

We stopped running.

“Over here.” [ NAME ] gently tapped me on the shoulder and pointed at an abandoned campsite. There was a tent that perched up straight, as if it were never touched.

“Come on.” She whispered and started ahead towards the tent. I followed suit, stopping when I heard a twig snap. [ NAME ] came to a halt as well.

“Get in.” I demanded and she scowled at me but obliged anyways before entering the tent. I stood out there for another couple of minutes just to make sure. Once the coast was clear I quietly headed on over to the tent and stepped inside, zipping the entrance shut. It was a bit tight in here, but thankfully not too tight.

I gently bit my lower lip and didn’t meet [ NAME ]’s gaze. I felt guilty. Idiotic.

“...Look, [ NAME ]-”

[ NAME ]’S P.O.V
David’s voice grabbed my attention and I glanced at him. He didn’t meet my gaze, however. Once he did, he looked guilty and his face was red.

“I…” His eyes narrowed to the side for a moment. “I’m...sorry.”

I tilted my head to the side as if telling him to go on.

“I should have listened to you and Max in the first place...I really should’ve.” David commenced. The tone in his voice told me that he was being honest and sincere.

“Now because of me, the entire Camp is under Daniel’s control and we’re wanted by him. Not to mention, you were...” He trailed off. I could tell that he didn’t want to finish that sentence.

The male counselor brought his knees up to his chest and continued.

“I need to stop acting like everything’s alright and oh-so-perfect. I also need to stop believing that everyone’s a good person when they’re really not…”  

I exhaled and grimaced. “David.” My tone was soft and gentle. He met my gaze, waiting for an answer.

“It’s alright. You are who you are; I understand why you’re like that. I don’t blame you, I guess…” I started and messed with my locks. “You’re only trying to do what’s best for the other campers, and I think that’s something great. I’m sorry, too. I kind of overreacted when you were just trying to be a good counselor.”

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