e l e v e n

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hippo campus - simple season


bev had horrible morning breath. 

it was 7 in the morning and i couldn't sleep any longer, but bev had no issue. how can a person sleep with their mouth open like that? instead of laying in bed, staring at her like a creep, i decided to go through her belongings to find clothing to wear (which is equally creepy and ill advised). she had a collection of intensely grunge clothing, which fit her personality perfectly. all of her shirts consisted of plaid and band tees along with the occasional plain singlet, and she only wore jeans and long pants. after ten minutes of searching for something slightly feminine, bev stirred and abruptly woke up. 

"are you looking for something to wear?" she asked in a groggy and raspy voice, looking at me sitting beside her dresser.

"yeah, but i can't find anything that isn't black and masculine." she walked over to me and opened the top drawer of her dresser, narrowly missing my head. 

"you like the ramones." she said while pulling out a small tee shirt. 

"yeah, but i wouldn't wear a tee shirt of theirs to school." i scoffed and continued looking for a dress.

"what about circle jerks? you're always listening to them in your room." a tight, tie-dye singlet with their logo dropped into my lap and i smiled.

"it is kinda pretty, and i don't think the girls know what a circle jerk is," a black tennis skirt followed the singlet, and then a bra and some underwear, "whoa, hang on now, doesn't the idea of sharing underwear gross you out a little?" bev shrugged and grabbed clothes for herself. 

"not really. would you rather go to school without clean underwear?" i shook my head and turned around so she could get dressed, "i'll get dressed and go make some cereal or whatever. we've missed the bus but i'll call craig for a lift." i waited until i heard the bedroom door shut to begin getting changed. i shed the chucky costume like a snake and smelled my arm pits. jesus, you better pray that the hand wipe dispenser is filled at school today. i slipped on the underwear and struggled with the bra. bev had failed to notice that i was a double d and that she was a b cup. the bra fit, but not very well. it pushed my breasts up in an unnatural way. i looked at my bra from the night before, noticing the red stain and imagining the stink. i pulled on the rest of the outfit and joined bev in the kitchen. she was on the phone with craig, ordering him over. 

flashbacks to the conversation bev and i had the night before played in my mind like a film. she still liked bill, that much was clear, but she never explained why she was with messing around with craig. i sat down and ate the cereal, waiting for bev to get off the phone. when she did, she ran her hands through her shoulder length hair. she turned around and smiled at me, picking up her own bowl of cereal and eating at an incredible speed.

"he'll be here in a few minutes," she walked to the collection of shoes beside her door and slipped on a pair, still eating her cereal, "take your pick from my collection of top range footwear." she picked up her schoolbag which was conveniently placed on top of her shoes. i left my cereal bowl and picked up a pair of docs. "ooh la la, how edgy you have become." they were too big, but i had no other options. my white shoes from the night before were brown and had red spots scattered along the canvas material. a blaring horn sounded from outside and bev ran back into the kitchen to discard her bowl before bolting out the front door, calling for me to hurry up. i power walked out behind her and saw craig in the drive, cigarette hanging lazily from between his lips. he honked the horn again.

"hurry the fuck up, moron. i've got your bag in the back." i climbed over the fast food bags and buckled myself in. bev leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. he reversed the car and began driving to school. "i've got a shift in half an hour, thanks for the fuckin notice." he was wearing a pair of sunglasses. it was easy to see the purple bruise lurking behind the plastic. i was tempted to ask him where he got it from, if he was fighting or if mum lashed out, but i stayed quiet and blocked my nose to save myself from the stench. my free hand reached for my bag on the floor. i slipped my arm through the strap and waited for the nightmarish car ride to be over. "you should try to shower in the changing rooms, you smell like burning trash."

the car stopped in the parking lot and i threw the finger up at him before scampering out of the car. the sun was hot and bright, i could feel it searing into my flesh and eyes. i shielded my eyes and walked towards the girls, completely forgetting about my b.o. predicament. they were lounging on their signature bench, basking in the rays, when they saw me. cindy burst out in laughter and nudged cheyenne. something broke in me when i saw them on that iconic park bench.

"you look like shit, looney," she dug in her bag and tossed a pink sweater in my direction, "throw this over that disgusting shirt. 'circle jerk'? fucking abysmal." i've underestimated their vocabulary. i let the pink sweater fall to the dirt and took glee in watching her face contort. "pick that up, it's cashmere." i rolled my eyes and brought my boot on top of it, rubbing it in the dirt. i hocked and spat at the soft fabric and continued walking in the direction of the school building. i stopped caring about the smell lurking on my skin and the mess of my hair, i was finished caring about those disgusting cronies. i walked down the corridor without gaining much attention. people usually turned and stared in my direction whenever i entered the building. but, i wasn't with girls that were worth staring at. i spotted bev and eddie lurking near a water fountain. bev locked eyes with me and smiled. 

"did you do something bad?" i bit my lower lip and nodded.

and i would soon regret it


um finally lol

not proofread

will anyone read a charlie puth fan fic? he's super fucking hot and i feel the need to write some smut but i probably won't if nobody reads.

ugly // richie tozierWhere stories live. Discover now