twelve: avalanche [part one]

Start from the beginning

"Leave him be." I try to make my voice slightly lower, and I hope it works, because I don't want my dad recognizing my voice.

"Well, well. If it isn't Spider-Man's little fan girl."

"I'm not a fan girl." God, that pisses me off. Do I really look like a fan girl?

"Right, okay..." He chuckles, then kneels down, pressing his hands that are covered in metal-like gloves onto the pavement. The ground starts to shake, and a low rumble echoes throughout the street.

"Stop!" I exclaim, stumbling back a bit and watching as the buildings shake. He takes his hands back up, standing up straight. The shaking stops. I turn to see if my dad is okay, and he's taking off down the street.

"Now I suggest you get out of here." Avalanche says, and I can hear the cocky grin in his voice.

"Why should I listen to you?" I say before reach out and shooting a web at his wrist. I shoot a web at his other wrist, tying them together. I shoot another web and he reaches his hands up so the web hits it, starting to pull me back.

My heels drag on the pavement. I shove them into the ground, pulling back as hard as I can.

"You see, I thought you were sweet and innocent. That you wouldn't show up again. I see I was mistaken."

"You could say that," I grunt. pulling him back slowly. "But in reality, your head is so far up your ass that you don't stop to actually think."

He turns after I say this, yanks the web, sending me flying in the opposite direction. I crash against the pavement, banging my head against it. I let out a yelp of pain.

"You are pretty strong," he says, walking over to me. My head pounds as I scramble to my feet, dodging his hand as he swings for me.

My dad hasn't gotten very far. My head pounds so badly, I can't really move. The ground starts to shake, and I fall to my knees. I hear a crash, a car alarm, and a scream.

"No!" I scream, trying to stand up.

No. Please. Please, tell me that wasn't Dad.

He pulls his hands apart, tearing the webs so his hands are now free. My vision blurs slightly. He swings for me again, and I try to dodge it, but instead trip over my own two feet and falling back again on the pavement. He swings again, punching me in my stomach. I let out a grunt of pain before shooting a web, somehow aiming it perfectly at his face. I yank down, sending him flying towards the ground.

My vision blurs even more, and I feel really dizzy. My head pounds even harder as I take off towards the direction of the car.

I get to the car, realizing that it's my father's. It's turned on its side, crashed into another car. I grab the door handle and yank it open, ripping the door off.

", no no no..." I say, ignoring the pounding in my head. I pull my dad out of the car, setting him down gently in the road so he's laying down. Blood is running down from nose and from his forehead, everywhere...

How did this happen? All he did was create an earthquake...

"No..." I whisper, my vision blurring, not from my head, but from tears.

"No! NO!" I scream, holding him to my chest.

"Daddy, please..." I whisper, sniffing. "You can't die..."

"Ah, ah, ah..." I hear Avalanche chuckle from behind me. "I knew you two were connected somehow."

"You dick..." I say. "You killed my dad!" I shout. It all happened so fast.

I stand up and before I can do anything, he swings for me, hitting me right in the head. I stumble back, and try to shoot a web up on a building. I need to get away. I'm going to pass out. The police will be here.

My father is dead.

I swing across the street, and my muscles just give out. I collapse to the pavement, hitting it hands and knees first. The car crash is out of sight. My skin burns as I roll onto my side, my stomach still queasy from the punch.

"Look, sweetheart." He continues, walking over to me. I give one last shot at shooting a web at him, but it's no use. The pounding in my head is too much for me to handle.

"You're just a kid. Which is why I'm not going to take you seriously." He says. And all I hear is, 'You're just a kid. I'm not going to take you seriously.' Over. And over. He leaves, and I stay there, on my side, in the middle of the road, hurt, broken, and afraid.

   Author's Note
Okay, I know I have been writing a ton of action for this story lately, but I'm going to balance it out don't worry. Also, no, I didn't forget about Madelyn's dad, I wanted to save it for another chapter...and I really hate myself for writing this?? Like I'm a monster??Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a wonderful day!

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