Chapter Two

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I awoke to the pale moonlight shining in my face. I looked down at me hands and saw my fair pale skin paler than before. My throat burned as I looked around not knowing where I was or what year it was. My skin was ice cold to the touch but I felt normal. I looked up and saw Jake staring at me like I was crazy.
"What are you staring at halfbreed" I said annoyed with him already.
"You because I helped you unlock this side of you again" he said in a dull tone.
"Can you please get me something to eat?" I asked with a sign. Jake left and cane back with 5.0 buck setting it gently in front of me.
"Thank you for awakening me and for the food" I say as I sink my fangs in the buck's throat. Jake stays silent as I drink half of the deer's blood.
"Here i left some for you" I say after I pull away from the deer licking my fangs and lips clean.
"No it's yours I had enough humans getting me and you out of that facility" Jake said. As he says that tears of blood run down my face as i look down trying to hide it.
"What?? Me saying that something is your. Never would have expect that out of royalty.hmph. tears" he says as I try to blink them away.
"It's not your fault this time" I mumble to myself.
"there there now is that anyway for royalty to act c'mon now Ik you were raised better but I guess with out being pampered you haven't lived my life" he said as he walked closer to me. I noticed his sun birthmark on his right wrist.
"What?" he asked. I point to his wrist slowly.
"That birthmark looks so familiar" I say seriously.
"Oh this? It's nothing" he says as he tries to hide it. I grab his arm and force him to show me.
"Lucien" I mumble as I stare at the birthmark that I knew by heart.
"... no!! Not yet" he said pulling his arm out my grip.
"How did you get the birthmark of the Vladimir royal family" I say as I seem to snap out of my flash back.
"It... was.. difficult to do" he said like it's no big deal. I start to feel my emotions overwhelm me as the ground shakes some.
"I was born a lowborn human. My mother and father died shortly after my birth which left me to fend for myself untill a child of the Vladmir royal family found me as I was scrounging for food and he took me in as his slave. The day you met me I was doing me duties as a human slave, he constantly drained me but also kept me alive as a food source and the his bites eventually took affect and turned me into your kind on lonely night. They branded me apart of their family but i didnt want to be living in a family of vampires. So I escaped and lived my life on my own.... the scientist and doctor from that facility eventually found me. You should remember the rest..." he said as it made my blood boil.
"YOU'RE LYING...... The only boy the Vladimir's had was born a human with his genes repressed...... I should know i was supposed to marry him when i turned 15" I yelled as the ground shakes harder.
"Yeah I did lie but you didn't buy that which is good. Why do you think I saved you from that facility?? Your welcome. Enjoy your emotions" he says as he begin to walk off almost as in slow motion his hair following behind him. I grab his wrist hard. He don't notice that I grabbed his wrist.
"What? Oh it's you. What is it now?" he says. He look at the ground and say "calm down" as the ground stop shaking and doesn't even move.
"Thx for saving me" I whisper as I try not to show that touching him has a weird effect on me.
"hmph. Typical female. Although you do look.... wonderful in this light" he said as he notices. I let go of his arm as I shake my head.
"Only Lucien had this affect on me" I say under my breath.
"Yea I am Lucien Vladimir. Get it though that thick skull of yours" he said bluntly.
"How....Why did you end up in the facility?" I ask in shock.
"they were fascinated with me so they found me, captured me, and tested on me" he said as he smiled flashing his 4 inch fangs.
"So your fangs aren't natural" I ask curiously.
"Oh they are. I just don't have them out fully" he said I couldn't help but smile.
"So here you are on you knees before me it seems the tables have turned" he says with a sly smirk on his face.
"What do you mean by that" I ask looking up at him.
"I was on my knees before you once before now your on your knees before me" he says making me roll my eyes.
"We were four" I say slightly annoyed.
"Yes. We were, now we are older than 15. Definitely" he said with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Yeah but you're not full vampire and it's my fault" I said sadly.
"What is your fault?" he said.
"We are both purebloods but I never took the throne so binding us together for eternity probably won't awake your true form. If only I didn't listen to my father" I said sadly.
"... then let's go then to claim your throne and apparently a bloody marriage" he said which made me fall over laughing.
"sound good?" he asked.
"But the council never wanted me to take the throne" I said.
"Then let's kill them together, show them we won't take it" he said as he grabbed my hand.

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