Part Three: Whoa!

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That is the sound Volumn woke up to. now, for you, it might be pretty annoying, but for him, it was a reminder of beautiful bugs zipping their diligent  way around the area, just doing their job, not letting anything stop them.

Lord. lord, please, awake, we are nearly there.

ah, how he loved the sound of Beetle's telepathic voice! Everything was perfect. he was with bugs, Hypno was knocked out, and he was flying! life was great!

And then he looked down.


Now that  was something Volumn could have done without in his morning.

Hold on, lord, we will be landing soon. buckeleth  thy seatbelt.

ooookay, then.

'just where exactly is this place? and what is it?' Volumn asked.

*A PLACE FOR ALL THAT WISH TO BE COOL*. Said a high, nasally voice that was most definitely NOT Beetle's.

'Woah! Who the heck are you?!' Volumn thought.

*I am your new 3rd in command, sire. I am a bee. I shall be our best 3rd ever!* said the bee, which the ever-creative Volumn decided to name Bee.

'oooookay, well, where is this place? its not like some warped wierdo school for wiped-out freaks, is it? IS THAT WHAT I AM TO YOU? A WASHED-OUT FREAKY WIERDO?! WHO DO YOU THINK I AM, A NERD?! I HAVE THE BEST POWERS OF ALL! WHY IS LIFE SO DARN(original word edited on behalf of all'sya readers out there (; jk)-ING HARD?!'

as you may be able to notice, Volumn was not a morning person.

*well, beloved leader, it is a place for people with cool powers, though none as cool as yours......*


and then he made the mistake of looking down again.


deep breaths, lord, deep breaths........ we will be arriving soon.....

'oh, Beetle, thank goodness you're here!' he tried to direct the next message only to beetle. 'why do I have a new general?'

ah, lord, about that........ you see, thou whilst eventually have generals that number 6........ and none shall be as gracious as me, nor the one thou hast named Bee, I am afraid, now hold still, we are about to land.......

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