Part 2: Aaaaaauuugggghhhh!

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As the bugs gathered around the Hypno, he did something anyone would do in that situation: he screamed. Loudly.


The bug cloud chose that moment to attack. biting and stinging, they ferociously attacked Hypno. As he screamed, bugs got in his mouth, ears, and..... well, let's just say that he wouldn't be doing very much in the near future.

'What?!' Volumn thought at the beetle, who he had conveniently decided to name Beetle. 'do you guys really follow me?! am I like some kinda bug guru or something?'

no, lord, thou art not any type of nature-loving hippie freak. thou hast received the gift of volukinesis. we serve you with our lives. he thought back(this was turning out to be a great day for Volumn). now, finish this!!!!!!Beetle commanded at the bug swarm.

The bug swarm happily complied. 


Hypno cried, becoming still.(don't worry, he's not dead. But he WILL be having he worst trauma of his life when he wakes up. just thought I'd let you know.)

Now lord, would you like us to transport you and  this... scum to a place you may learn to use those powers of yours? Beetle asked.

'Yes! Wait..... will you be like, carrying me through the air? That is so cool! yes, please!' Volumn thought back'

okay, lord, now rest, it will be a long journey...................

(to be continued in part 2)

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