"Of course love. Where do you want everything?"

"I'll set it up when I get there. I just want everything to be there." She said.

When I headed outside to put the things in my trunk, Carol was pulling up with Davis.

"Hey dad. Need help?" Davis asked while getting out the car.

"No son I got it. Are you ready for the baby shower?" I asked.

"It was today?!" He panicked.
Davis showed up to my house in his pajamas because that's what he usually comes over in.

"Carol didn't I tell you to have him ready for the baby shower?!" I yelled , carrying these heavy ass decorations.

"Oh my goodness. I forgot. I am sorry! He has clothes in his bag." She said.

"I don't give a fuck , he's supposed to have them on!!" I yelled. She was being so ignorant and childish which was very irritating to me. She's only doing this because she's jealous.

"Don't be mad at me , you didn't fucking tell me!!" She yelled back.

"Yes I did Carol. I text you last night telling you to have him already dressed. What the fuck?" I spat.

"He has clothes in his bag Davis it's not that serious!" She yelled. 

"I don't have fucking time to iron and do all that shit! I have to have these decorations down to the hall at a certain time. The fuck Carol! You can't do shit right!!" I slammed the car door , rushing into the house to iron Davis's clothes.

I didn't notice Davis was crying , but I eventually heard him.

When I walked into the room he was , Carol was there hugging him.

"What's wrong man?" I asked kneeling down.

"I hate when you two argue. It hurts my feelings. " He said crying.

"No we weren't arguing , we were just having a disagreement. Nothing serious." I said.

"Is it my fault? Is that why y'all aren't married anymore?!"

"No honey. It's never your fault, and I've told you that before Davis. I told you that you mean every thing to us , its not your fault." Carol said , wiping his tears.

"I'm sorry Carol , I should've never yelled at you like that. I was just stressed about this baby shower because we have to do a lot." I said to her.

"It's fine. I should've had him ready. I don't read the text until late." She said.

"I'm going to finish ironing your clothes. I want you to go clean your face and please be happy." I said.

Davis shook his head and went to go clean his face.

"I'll come to the baby shower. Just to make Davis happy. I know it'll mean the world to him if I was there enjoying it with y'all." She said , smiling.

"Of course. I'll see you there." I said.


Davis was definitely happy to see Carol arrive , he sat by her during the whole baby shower. I wonder how Carol would feel if I proposed to Alonna in front of her face. I hope she take it lightly and don't be acting funny again.

"Having a good time?" I asked Carol and Davis.

"Yes. The decorations are pretty and the food is nice. What are you two naming the baby?"

"Angelina." I said.

"That's cute. I'm happy for you two." She smiled.

"Thank you. I appreciate that a lot." I hugged her.

Before the baby shower ended , I  wanted to make an announcement, well propose of course.

"Everybody uh , I want to thank you all for coming. Alonna and I appreciate every gift you guys have given us , we thank you. But this particular announcement is going towards Alonna. Baby you are my rock, my love , my queen , my everything. Your everything in my book , but one thing I didn't say was my wife. So with that being said , will you marry me Alonna Louise Carter?" I said kneeling down looking into her eyes.

She just smiled. It's like she was froze.

Then she shook her head , "Of course. Of course!!"
I put the ring on and kissed her. Everyone was clapping and cheering including Carol , I guess she was happy for me. I was happy that she was happy.

After we cleaned up everything and talked to a couple of guests , Carol walked up to me.

"Congratulations. I'm so happy for you two!" She said , hugging me. 

"Thank you. It really means a lot coming from you. I'm happy."

"That's good. I hope I get invited to the wedding."

I laughed , "Of course."

"Okay well I have to go. I'll see you when you drop Davis off." She waved and left.


CAROL'S POV--------

When I left the baby shower I felt different. I felt like the feelings for Davon fade somehow. I'm kind of glad because I was ready to be with James and not involve my feelings for Davon into our relationship.

James's birthday was coming up and I have the perfect surprise for him.

My Bestfriend's Fiance Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now