The trip and they find out

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The next day came way to early from. Oh how I wish I could back to sleep for a little bit longer but no I had to be up and ready to leave. The only people going with us is: Felix, Jane, Alec, Demetri, Marcus, Aro, Caius, and myself. I slowly got ready and put my traveling outfit on. I am so glad that I don't have to wear the cape on the plane, it would just get in the way. I put the locket on that dad gave me just a few days ago. ([polyvore]) I headed down to the throne room after I got ready, to my surprise I was the first one there so I sat on the stairs in front of the thrones. I do not dare to sit in them no matter who they belong to my father or not. I waited for which seemed like forever before anyone came in.

Marcus: Hello Makinzie.

Makinzie: Hello Marcus, Aro, Father.

Aro and Father: Hello.

Aro: Is everyone ready?

Everyone: Yes.

Aro: Ok then lets go.

The plane trip took FOREVER!!! I sat next to Jane and Alec. They were good to talk to but you can only take in some much twin. We finally arrived in Washington (THANK GOODNESS!!) and the clouds were thicker. So no one needed to cover up. I was nerves to go any further but for some reason I can spell newborns. Was a war about to happen again after so many years? I was greatfull that I wasn't able to touch Aro because he will be hearing my every thought right now.

Jane: Makinzie are you ok?

Makinzie: Huh? Oh yes I am. Just in deep thought that is all. (I give her a soft smile.)

Jane: Ok

The run to the Cullens didn't take long at all but they knew we were coming because of Alice and Edward. I could smell Bella from about five minutes away from their house. I was thinking so much that I didn't see we arrived till I heard someone greeting us.

???: Aro, it is good to see you again.

Aro: Yes Carlisle it has been along time. How is the family?

????: We are good.

Aro: Edward so good to see you. I have someone to introduce you too. My Dear? (He held his hand out to me and I took it and stood by his side.)

Aro: This is..

Edward: Makinzie Avrie Volturi. I meet her at school before.

Alice: Yeah, I have always wondered where you went off too. Why the Volturi?

Makinzie: Because I wish to be with my father.

Carlisle: Who is your father?

Makinzie: Caius.

They stood there with their mouths opened. Alice even looked shocked maybe because she didn't see this happen. But I knew that it would happen but I didn't know what was happening at this moment.......

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