You have to do what you have to do...

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Why? Why me? Why my family? I don't want anyone to get hurt. Why do these vampires have to come after me? I am nothing special, I just want to live my immortal life with my family and friends in peace. I don't want to do this anymore I really don't. I just want to end this all at once. But I can't I have to stay strong for Aro, for my Father, for everyone.....

Tears falling down my face, my head is spinning. I can hear the rain falling on the patio, people down stairs talking. Blackness is all around me, just like my childhood. I remember so easly.... (Flashback)

Me: NO! I don't wanna go! I wanna stay here! Please Mary help me!

I was on my way to a car of the people that just adopted me. They dragged me and put me into the back and buckled me in pretty tight. I can hear the nuns talking to them.

Mary: Now take good care of her, she is well behaved and a sweet angel. I will miss her.

Adopted Dad: Don't worry we will make sure she has tons of fun and be a happy little girl.

Adopted Mom: Yes we will I promise

(AM and AD means Adopted mom/dad)

They got into the car and started driving. As we got out of sight from the orphange, AD started driving faster and faster. We nearly crashed a few times.

Me: Slow down please!

I scream that as my little hands grip to the seats to keep from flying everywhere.

AD: Shut up Brat!

AM: Yea, and just for saying that you do not get dinner for the next week. Now start getting ready for years of chores and living in a basement!

She lauighs as she says this and I start hearing my heart pound fast knowing that my next few years will be hell.

(Time skip to 5 years later so she is now 12)

AD: Hurry up with my sandwhich Mistake!

Me: Yes Sir:

 I rush to finish the sandwhich he commanded for. My life is horrible..I want to run away so bad.


I cringe at his voice knowing that I will get hit when I go in there. I grap a knife and start cutting the meat for the sandwhich when a voice goes off in my head. A lady's voice...

Voice: Kil them with the knife, run and take all their moeny after you do!

Me (Whispers): I can't...

Voice: DO IT NOW!!

I grab the knife tightly and start walking toward the living room to my Adopted Father's chair. His back was toward me. I grab the knife tighter in my fist and walk up to the back of the chair. I plunge the knife into the chairs back as well as his back. I hear him gasping for breath and then I grab his neck and pull the knife out and slice his neck. I let him fall forward as I walk up stairs to my Adopted Mothers sleeping body. She starts she wake up.

AM: What are you doing? Why are you all bloody? CHARLES!!

Me: He is dead just like how you will be!

I lunge at her and start stqabbing her over and over. Blood going everywhere, her screams becoming louder and finally stop. I move away from the bed and drop the knife. I fall to the floor and start crying into my hands. I couldn't believe I just did that.

Voice: Get the money and change you clothes and wash your hands then bury the knife.

Me: Ok

I did what she said and took one of the outfits that she had and cleaned myself up. Then I ran and ran and ran. I found an abandoned house in the woods and thats where I took care of myself for the rest of the time to when I am changed into a vampire by my father. Then I start moving to Forks and live there till this day. (Flashback done)

Alice: Makinzie??

Alice shook me from my flashback. I looked around and saw that everyone was looking at me with concern in their eyes. Except for Edward he looked sad and anger at the same time. He started to get up and went to Aro and let him read his thoughts. I started crying because I knew that he saw my memory.

Aro: Makinzie is it true?

I couldn't talk I just sat there shaking and crying. Then it hit me, I know what I have to do. I shall run away and find this person. Once I find him, I will turn his body into ash.

Father: Makinzie Stap out of it!

I shook my head and ran up the stairs to the guest room. I grabbed my bag and jumped out of the window, running toward the closest area of water. I have to hide my scent or else they will follow me... I thougt that to myself as I jumped into the murky water. I will protect the people I love. Even if I get hurt doing so.....

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