W-Who are you

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???: My Daughter, Look how beautiful you have gotten. You have your mother's hair but my eyes. (Chuckles)

Makinzie: W-Who are you?? What do you want from me?

???:All in due time my dear.

End of Dream:

I jumped out of my bed, crying, that is the second time this week I have had that dream. Why won't it go away? I look at the clock to see it to be 6:50!!!

Makinzie: Son of a Biscuit Eater I am going to be late!!

I ran to the bathroom to shower then changed in to my clothes. When finished I ran down stairs, being carefull not to fall and jumped into my Black 2011 Chevy Camero. It took about 10 minutes to get there but when I arrived I saw the Cullen crew. (EWWWW!!) The one I to believe is Edward looked at me. I knew what he was doing so lets see what he thinks of this. I'll speak to him threw my mind.

Makinzie: ( What are you looking at Cullen?!)

Edward: (You can speak through your mind??)

Makinzie ( No, I can speak through my butt. OF COURCE I AM SPEAKING THROUGH MY MIND. And I thought vampires of the cullen coven were suppose to be smart.)

The look he gave me was priceless!!!! He turned to everyone to tell them what I was and what I knew. They were shocked but at the same time mad. Haha, make cullens mad, CHECK!

~Time skip~

Finally school was out, so now I was heading home so I can get ready to go hunt for dinner. (Not animal gross) But when I entered my house I could something wasn't right. The house smelled of unknown vampires but one stood out. WAIT, that smell is that blond guys..

???:My, My what do we have here?

???:Told you she lived here. I know everything about my daughter.

I turned around to see...THE VOLTURI!! What are they doing here?? I didn't do anything wrong. So why was the leaders of the Volturi doing here? Not that I have anything wrong with Aro, WHAT AM I THINKING!! THE VOLTURI IS IN MY HOUSE AND I AM THINKING OF THAT RIGHT NOW!!

Aro: Whats wrong you seem scared little one.

Marcus: I wouldn't blame her. Caius is here with us.

Caius: Shut up!! Why would my daughter be scared of me?

Makinzie: D-Daughter?? What are you talking about?

Aro: We will explain everything my dear when we get back to Italy.

Makinzie: What do you mean WE?? I refuse to go with you.

With that I make a run for it. I can run fast but.. they were faster. Caius was infront of me and Aro behind me.

Caius: I am sorry my little one but you must. ARO!

Aro: I know.

Before I could do anything, everything went blank as I fell forward into the arms of the man saying he is my.....father.

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