2 years later

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2 years have passed. Me and my bestfriend are at my house playing. I thought to myself that this could be it.

"You cant defeat me!" said me

My bestfriend lost the game and i won

"You know we can do other fun thing too?" i said seducively

"Shut up" said my bestfriend laughing

Unfortunately i didn't get the chance to do it but atleast i had fun with her. After the game we got snacks and talked to each other. She said that his boyfriend was gonna take her to the movies tommorow. I didn't have any problem with that since im just her bestfriend.

3 days have passed

3 days have passed and i havnt seen her for a while. I tried texting her but she wouldn't reply. I tried going to there house but her mom said she havnt seen her in a while. I tried to search everywhere but didnt have any luck. So i simply tried to forget about her. I thought that she was happy with his boyfriend. Maybe they are having a good time. And maybe i didnt have a chance with her nomore.

I tried forgetting but i cant. I just cant! I knew she was the one. The only one for me!

i tried going to her boyfriend's house but there was no any sign of them.

I thought to myself

"I cant give up! I must keep looking for her even if it will take the rest of my life!" said me

I set out a plan to go to every city near Ioldeis. (Ioldeis is the city where i am.)
My first plan was to go to Iwosaqo then kfodas then lastly Iwozknaem. If i dont find her in this three cities. Then i will travel the whole world just to find her! This is how strong my love is for her.

Then i thought, "what if she didnt love me back? What if i found her and she would then just walk out on me?". I certainly dont want that to happen. Even if that happens i will still love her. Even if she doesn't love me back.

5 days have gone, im still searching for her in Iwosaqo. It look likes i have no luck of finding her here. But i should keep searching. Maybe im not searching hard enough

Everyday im getting weaker and weaker just by looking for her. Maybe i should stop? Or should i keep going? Or should i stop? Or should i keep going? Ugh im getting crazier each day. I must go on! I must have the courage to go on! I must not stop! I must keep going? But what if she forgot about me? What if she don't even remember me? That would make a hole in my heart. What if she is forever gone? What if she is married to his boyfriend? No, she is too young! I must stop thinking about the consequences. I must g---

*Phone Rings*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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