Something Cinderella-ish (Part II)

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"Okay, thank you! Here's Hanan," Amina said, finally giving Hanan the phone.

"Elloo," Hanan said, as she put the phone to her ear.

"Hanan, I'll let you shadow Amir, but you have to stay with Amina at all times, fahemti? Even if she needs to go to the bathroom or something, go with her, don't stay by yourself with Amir. Okay?"

"Okay. Ma'asalamah," Hanan said as she ended the call. She then turned to Amina and raised her eyebrows at her. "So, you're going to shadow a medical student as well?" she asked her suspiciously. Amina squirmed uncomfortably under her gaze.

"I was just trying to be a good friend," she said weakly. Hanan only grew more suspicious.

"A good friend wouldn't need to go as far as to promise to chaperon her friend and her brother," Hanan said. Batool and Farah broke into a fit of giggles.

"Okay, okay, you got me," Amina said. "It's just that, I know how long you've had a crush on my brother for, and I just wanted to help you out a teeny bit."

Hanan's mouth dropped. Batool and Farah started bawling with laughter. "What makes you say that?!" she asked angrily. Amina rolled her eyes.

"Gurl, puh-leaz, you've been all gaga over him ever since 9th grade. You think I wouldn't notice just because you've kept quiet about it?" she sneered.

Hanan lost it. "AND YOU THINK THAT BY SETTING ME UP WITH A NON-MUHRAM WITHOUT OUR PARENT'S PERMISSION YOU'LL BE HELPING ME SOMEHOW!!! A'UDHUBILLAH!" she screamed. She then proceeded to stomp out of the room, only to crash into someone.

"Whoa!" a deep and manly voice said into her ear, making her shiver. She recognized that voice. Hanan quickly pushed Amir away and stepped back, lowering her gaze. She could hear the collective gasp of the idiots behind her, so she turned around and gave them the iciest glare she could muster. They all gulped and hid.

"Hanan?" Amir asked in surprise.

"Yeah?" she replied, still not looking up.

"Why are you running around the house? You could've hurt yourself you know," he scolded. Hanan thanked Allah for her not-pale skin, otherwise everyone would have seen her turn beet red. Having said that, Hanan still felt her ears burn from embarrassment.

"Sorry," she whispered, trying hard not to make her voice quiver. She still hadn't looked up. Perhaps Amir noticed her discomfort, because his tone was much softer when he spoke next.

"It's okay as long as you understand. Now, if you would excuse me, I need to speak with my sister," he said. He then raised his voice and said, "Amina, stop eavesdropping and come to my room. We need to talk."

Amina rushed out of the living room and shot Hanan a guilty look, before going upstairs, to her brother's room presumably. Amir followed suit, leaving Hanan alone in the hallway. Once the sounds of his footsteps had faded, Hanan turned around and returned to the living room, where Farah and Batool were sitting down mutely. She joined them, and it was very quiet. Finally, Hanan had had enough.

"Guys, listen. What Amina said, just forget it," she told them. Farah looked at her sadly.

"It's okay. We won't talk about it. It's just that we want for you to be happy, that's why Amina did what she did," Farah said. Hanan felt a bit guilty for the way she shouted at her friend. Still, a sin was a sin, and her friends should know that better than anyone else.

"I'll apologize to Amina later. I just hope that nothing like this will ever be repeated. We are Muslims, and Muslims don't beat around the bush, they get right to the point and put a ring on it," Hanan declared boldly. Farah and Batool burst out laughing.

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