5. Ariel

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I was full and satisfied as Sharko began to ask me questions. I finally talked telling them I was raised in captivity with no natural hunting insticks. This made Sharko calm and get more comfortable around me. 

Marina and I became friends. My legs were numb so I stayed on the towel as they talked. By watching I learned Sharko had a crush on Marina which made me smile. What does it feel like to be loved. That's the question I ask myself every day.

I then caught the sent of a certain female shark. She was looking around. I called her name. Ariel turned to where I was. Then gave a large toothy smile. Sharko jumped up and ran to hug her. I felt jealousy radiate off of Marina. Sharko turned to us and explained that Ariel was his sister who went missing a while back. Then Marina smiled.

Ariel explained that it was me who helped her escape the zoo. Sharko thanked me and talked with his sister trying to catch up as much as he could. 

I watched with a smile till I noticed something missing. I turned to my left to see. Marina was wasn't there.

(Zig and Sharko) Zig x reader (pause)Where stories live. Discover now