4. Eating with them

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I didn't dare move. I was layed on a towel next to Marina with my back to her. As she stroked my back Sharko returned with fish sandwiches. He placed the food down. Marina brought one to my face making Sharko nervous. I sniffed the food and hesitated. Looking at her which made Sharko stand on edge.

For a while I kept my gaze on her. Until it clicked. She helped me sit up much to my dismay. Onto my belly. I ignored the pain as I leaned my head foward. Sniffing the food once again. Then opened my mouth taking it into my jaws. They got a good look at my large teeth. 

I licked my lips and looked towards Sharko. He was sort of shocked. For a reason I didn't know. I whimpered and then nudged the plate to him wanting more. Marina was happy I was moving and eating and Sharko left to get more food while I layed my head on Marinas lap. 

Wondering were my female shark friend is.

(Zig and Sharko) Zig x reader (pause)Where stories live. Discover now