2. What's your name? (New)

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There I was staring down into the shark tank. Maybe this whole thing was a bad idea, I mean it's a shark. I've seen what they can do to people from those brief instances when someone happened to be watching Jaws on their phone at the zoo.

I hesitated and my body screamed for me to run away and take my chances through the city, and I was starting think about doing just that. I turned to go back when I felt drops of water on top of my head. Shakily I turned to mean a leathery/sandpaper like body hovering over me from out of the water. Slowly I looked up to meet rows of sharp pointed teeth. I backed away in fear tripping over my feet and landing on my bottom.

The large orange Tiger shark leaned down inspecting me. "Who are you and what are you doing at my tank?" She asked. Her voice though dark and grumpy, like I just disturbed her might night sleep, was a little high pitched like a child. "well are you going to answer me or not?" She crossed her fins and glared down at me. My mouth just opened in closed like a fish as I was trying to find the words stuck in my throat. "Well since your not going to talk maybe I should just make yah my midnight snake." She flashed me a evil sharp tooth grin. I paled and tried to back away as quickly as a could when she started laughing. "Hahahaha, I'm just joking with you!" She fell back into her tank with a splash floating on the surface as she continued to crack up. "The look on your face was priceless!"

"T-that wasn't very n-nice." I stuttered out finally finding my voice.

"I know, I know," she called down and swam back up to me. "So are you going to answer my question now?"

"I umm, I'm trying to escape the zoo an into the wild beyond to sea and-"

"Let me guess you want my help?" She interrupted.

"Yeah I um..." I looked away nervously.

"You have guts going to me for help. Not everyone just walts up to a shark for help."

"Yeah, I know." I nervously rubbed my neck.

"You know I want to get out of her as well and return how so I'll help yah!"


"Yep now let's go!" She jumped out of the water; it was weird to see her walk of her tail fins but hey this is a cartoon. "Hey! No four-wall breaking!"

"Oh sorry, we'll need to fix that."

She followed me out back entrance that led to the beach. Dodging any guards patrolling that night. Once on coast the tiger shark jumped into the water laying in the wet sand under in and motioned for me to hope on her back. I slowly stepped into the water, washing off some of the dried mud on my black paws, and I climbed on. She proceeded to pull herself into the water as I held onto her dorsal fin, and we set out into freedom.

"I can't believe it... I'm free."

"Feels good right?" The Shark replied to my comment.

"Yeah," I was so happy and excited for what future awaited me now but was to tired to express it.

"Hey what's you name anyways?" She asked.

"Oh um... its Lavendar."

"As in the flower, that's a pretty name, it suits a hyena like yourself." She smiles, "did your parents call you that cause of your hair."

"Yeah," I smiled brushing my hand though my purple hair. "And what about you?"


"What's your name?"

"Oh," she smiles and looks back at me. "It's Zora!"

(Zig and Sharko) Zig x reader (pause)Where stories live. Discover now