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Mild usage of sensitive dialogue. If easily triggered or offended, please proceed with caution.

( Third Person POV )

"What's your favorite, uhhh..." Johnny sighed, interrupting whatever Ponyboy was going to add.

"Do we have to do this?" The youngest of the two pursed his lips, glaring over at him in response to his words.

"If we're dating, we have to know some things about each other."

"Or we just pretend we do and that'll be that." Johnny almost sent him finger guns, but resorted to an aggravated eye roll upon the still-prominent glare of his supposed 'companion.' The hand gesture just wouldn't have given him the right feeling.

"Deadass, I'll kick your ass." No, he wouldn't. In fact, his hands nearly trembled at the thought, but the other male didn't need to know that.

"Deadass," he began, almost in a way of taunting, "I'll kick yours."

"You'll kick my deadass? That doesn't make sense."

"You don't make sense." Ponyboy huffed in defeat, but said no more about the topic.

"Let's just get this over with... Please?"

"Well because you asked so nicely..." The eighteen year old responded, voice sounding as though he were speaking to a baby. Which, in his mind, he basically was. Two years was a huge difference, especially when the boy before him already had such a baby face.

"So what's your favorite movie?"


"Lame." Ponyboy snorted.

"Okay, big shot, what's yours?"

"Ah!" He exclaimed, pointing a knowing finger at him and shaking it in a quirky, somewhat embarrassing manner. "I got you to ask about me."

"Only because I want to trash your shitty taste in movies," Johnny replied, averting his gaze from him and scowling. He really had gotten him with that one.

"It's Buffalo Sixty-Six."

"And you said mine was lame." Secretly, though, he'd never watched it all the way through. From what he had saw, it wasn't that bad... He'd just never finished because it was his dad's favorite. He'd never been able to watch it without thinking of him.

"Whatever. I bet you didn't even pay attention to it."

"Yes, I did."

"Nope," Ponyboy shook his head, "if you did, it'd be your favorite, too."



"Don't make things awkward."

"They already are," the brunet pointed out smoothly, raising his eyebrows as though to prove his point. "What do you like to do in your free time?" Johnny puffed out his cheeks, deflating them before clicking his tongue in thought.

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