
"A-are we a thing now?" A thing? "Like boyfriend and girlfriend...couples?"...why not? "Yeah i guess so." I replied. Couples are soposto kiss and do all this lovey dovey stuff right. Theyre soposto care and love each other. I care about everyone i guess. I can't stand to see people hurt. I dont know what love is though. "GRATE!"she says happily. I smile. Probably cause i smile when anyone smiles. I just like it. She grabs my hand and drags me back to the shack taken by suprise i follow. "What are you doing?" I ask curiously. "We gotta tell everyone else right!?" She says happily. "Oh. Okay!" This is kinda fun. I've neverhad a friend before. Much less a girlfriend. But hey there isnt much of a difference i guess. Once we get back to the shack we're greeted with mable crying about to run out everyone else is still in shock. "You can stop crying now we got great news!" She looks at me confidently. "We are now dateing!" She laughs. I smile. I feel like im normal. I smile more. "WHAT!?!?!?" Everyone yells. Scareing the living shit out of me. Some people sounded shocked some surprised some angry? Is it that big of a deal? " YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE DIPPER/PINETREE AWAY FROM ME ILL MEKE YOU SUFFER!?!?" The purpleand yellow guy say at the same time. She grips onto my hand tighter. I just stay quiet and confused. Why is it a big deal? When she pulls me closer to her shes taller and more powerfulthen me and kisses me. Everything goes silent. I cant see whats happening. Then she brskes away. " its love at first sight." I look up at her and she looks down ar me smileing. I blush. Is this weird? Everyones speeches. "Oh and bill and frost. You cant hurt me. That would be brakeing the contract~." She says happily. Unexpectedly she picks me up and walks out the door leaving everyone suprised. "I can walk." "I know." she replies. "You love me right?" She says. What is love? "Yes." I assume. I mean i care for her and kissed her so that means we are in love right? She smirks. She puts me down and reaches into her back pocket. She pulls out a vile. "Drink this." "What is it?" "Drink it." Shes kinda intimidating now. "C-can we go back?" "Yes after you drink it." I put it in my mouth and pretend to swallow. "ACTUALLY swallow it." Damnit. It tastes like poison and looks like it too. I dont trust this. I try to spit it out but shes pinning me down and making me swallow. She kisses me forsefully and grabs my part making me gasp. I need air. I try to squirm around but give up its not working. I swallow the liquid in hopes she'll let me breath. She stops kissing me and lets me go tbe first thing i do is take a deep breath. I thought i was gonna die. "You look really cute under me." WHAT IS THIS LADY SAYING!?!? "I wanna go home now!" I try to get up. "Sit." She says and for some reason i sit. Wth? I try to stand up but i cant. "Kiss me." I crawl to her while shes sitting criss-cross. And i kiss her! What the fuck?!?! "W-WHAT!?!?" "Common." She pats her lap. Ah hell no. I try my best not to but end up sitting on her lap. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?!?" I would call her a witch but im scared she'll hurt me. "Your mine now." She simply states. I was about to say something but she slipped her hand in my pants over my underwhere. I gasp. "S-stop." I hate this i wanna go back to the shack. "Make me~" she knows damn well i cant. She palms my D making it hard to not go crazy. "P-please don-t." I gasp. "Call me master and i wont for now." "What!? No way!?" This hasto be a prank. She roughly grabs my D making me go crazy and stay silent. She grips onto it. "Say it." Im stubborn af. How long will this potian last. Please be over soon. She smirks. Im stil unable to move. She retreats her hand i let out a sigh of relief until she stops at my underwear. "Say. It." HELP. ".....m.....mas......master..." she laughed. She retreats her hand licking it. "Goob boy." She pata my inner thigh and lets me get off of her. I growl. She smirks. Keep that additude up and ill get you a collar maby even a leash~" i whimper. This isnt fair. She laughs.

((//=Timeskip to the next day =//))

We arived back at the shack and she takes me to my room. She tosses me on the bed. "I love you~" "i love you too." I dont wanna say that. She palms my pants making me gasp and moan then cover up my mouth. Before i know it my pants are off leaveinf me only in my boxers. "Ssshhh~" i feel like crying. This is illegal. She grabs the rim of the boxers and pulls them down. Why am i the submissive. "S-stop." I dont want my first time to be like this. Suddenly the door bursts open. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF IF MY BROTHER!!!" My mom comes in. Brother!? Im still crying. And cant move. Bill butsts in and drags Wendy out by the hair letting me move again. I sit up and pull up my boxers still crying. I hear screaming down stairs. "BILL DONT KILL HER OKAY!" Kill!?!? Frost runs in crying and jumps on me and hugs me. "Im-im so sorry d-dipper. We had to figure out whats going on. She was a witch she hypnotized you!?!?" Hes sobbing. I stay silent. Who are these people. I pass out. Is this my family?

I wake up covered in a big fluffy blanket and try to go back to sleep. Im so comfy. Then i remembered. And i practicaly jumped out of bed. I had pjs on WHO DRESSED ME!?!? Blushing and tears in my eyes i head downstairs. And the first thing im greated with is a hug from frost i think was his name? I flinch. "D-DIPPER IM SO SORRY I COULDN'T SAVE YOU ITS MY FAULT MOSTLY BILLS BUT MINE TOO I SWARE WEVE CHANGED IM SO SORRY!!!" That was the fastest ive ever heard someone talk. He took a deep breath. As he was sobbing. "IM SO SORRY ILL DO ANYTHING ILL MAKE YOU THE HAPPEST LITTLE HUMAN IM SO SORRY DO YOU FORGIVE ME IVE LET THIS HAPPEN TWICE I DONT DESERVE FORGIVENESS IM SO SORRY!?!?!?" Twice? "Uhhh shure?" He still looked sad. He was a bit talker then me though. "I-im so s-so-sorry." He sobbed. "Its alright. Dont cry. You have such a presious smile...i wanna see it again okay then ill forgive you. Take your time." I smiled. Is this a family? "Wheres everyone else? I didnt really get to see them last time heh." "Th-theyre off somewhere." "Oh...ok..how long are you planning to hug me?" "Forever."....."ok then."

Billdip - Save Me Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя