Chapter 4

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Im sitting on the bus bored and depressed af. I dont even know where im going all i know is its far from that hell dimension...why me? Why couldnt i have a normal life? Is that to much to ask? Do i deserve a normal life? Do i deserve this? I didnt even notice i was crying. "Alright we have arived in *enter random location* please get your stuff and make your way out of my bus thank u!!!" The driver shouted.  I griped my bag handle and whiped my tears. Im okay. Your okay. You can do this. I put on my bravest face and saw that i was in another small town. By the looks of it it was a random forgoten one. Perfect. New start. Youll be okay. I took a deep breath and stepped off the bus. I walked to the entrance. Just as i did that i heard a voice. "Ppiiinnneeettrreeee~." As soon as i heard that i panicked. I ran twords the entrance as fast as i could. Anxiety filled me. As i passed the welcom sighn i was met with normal people. I exhale a sigh of relief. Im okay. I dared to look back to be met with a livid bill. Can he not come in the town? This is truly amazing. Im so happy. Feeling like im about to cry buckets i turn back around to the town. I shyly look around. Then i almost die of a panick attack when i bump into someone. Shit. "I-im really sorry." I keep my head down. "No problem~" a charming voice says. I slightly look up to see a handsome male looking down  hes around 6'4 with a amazing smile and his puples are black stars his eye color around his puples are purple and his hair is messy purple it looks dyed to be purple. He looks around 17 or 18. 2 years older then me.... hes so gorgeous. It didnt take long for him to call out my stareing. "Whats wrong? Do i have something on my face?" "N-no sorry." I quickly look down and try to walk away i feel his eyeson me im blushing like a mad man. All the sudden i feel someones hand on my sholder. "Are you alright?" He has such a lovely voi-wait how did he get here so fast? "Yes im fine sorry to bother you." I quickly say. I hafto focus on trying to find a Place to stay. Memorys of gravity falls flush through my head. Tears pricking my eyes. Almost completely forgeting the man i look down. "Im gonna be honest with you i can read minds im a dream demond." Its like the whole world stops around me. My eyes widen and my lips quiver. Just like bill-. I snap out of it as fast as i can snd run run so far away into the woods. My only priority was getting away from him. Bills in the woods. Shit. I look around trying to see where i was. Suddenly a hand griped my arm. "Thats not very nice pinetree." I burst out crying trying to pry his hand off me. Help. Was my only thought before that guy came back. " Hey let him go." Said the mysterious man. " DoNT TELl mE WhAT TO Do!!!" And all the sudden im in a room on top of a person hugging their lower stomach  and its dark. Im still scared and crying. "Hey hey its alright." I hear  the man say. "Im here now." Still trembling i shakely ask. "W-who a-a-are y-ou." Not moving from my spot. He starts petting my hair and i flinch. "You can call me frost." Frost. I suddenly calm down befour passing out probably dew to exhaustion. My last thoughts were. Am i okay now? Before my eyes closed shut it might have been my brain playing tricks,on me but i could have sworn i heard him say. "Yes my love~"


HoW dARe THAT DisCUStING CREaTURE TAkE mY PINETREE Ill MAKe HIm SUfFeR. I need a plan...i teloport back to gravity falls still livid af. I cant go in the barrier so i need a host. I need someone lllikkkeee. I spot shooting star. BInGO! I teloport near her. "SHOOTING STAR I NEED UR BODY TO SAVE DIPPER!" "What?!" "SHAKE MY HAND OR ILL CUT OFF YOUR LIMBS ONE BY ONE!!!" I said in a threatining tone. Fire suronding me and my body compleatly red. She immediately shakes my hand. With my position in her body i teleport back to that pitiful little town. I start looking for pinetree. "Ill find you i sware. Pinetree when i get my hands on you youre in for some major punishments." I mumble to my self.


Is he the one? I question as i stroke his hair. Its so soft. I feel like he is. I smile to myself. After all these years i finnaly found him. In my bloodline of demonds we are assigned mates. The only people we can truely be happy with. It helps that he already knows what demonds are. Still that guy... he was a dream demond like me. Could he be the one that set this town aflame all thoes years ago. I actually had to put a barrier on him never to come again. Hes my brother but hes nothing but a pest always doing what he wants. How annoying. I was interrupted by a knock at the door i gently place the boy down. And open the door to be met with my cosin. Jack black. (A/N: IDK WHO THIS IS I SEARCHED IT UP AND FOUND AN ACTOR.) Hes also a demond he looks like me but has blue for nis main color and his puples look normal. " HEY COSIN HOW YA DOIN HEARD YOU FOUND YOUR MATE!" Hes so loud. "Ya i think i did...but howd you know." "I saw you in town i came to visit and i sawyou fight over the human with the other demond. So i assumed it was your mate cause you never fight with snyone turns out i was right!!!" "Please be quite hes sleeping inside." I say slightly annoyed. "Ya well ill be on my way now. But you better be careful i senced the same demonds presence in the town. I think its bill havent seen him in a long time." "Thanks bey." I shut the door and u guess he leaves. I look back at the boy. So your my queen as humans woukd call it. Hes so cute. I blush at the thought. He sturs in his sleep. I smile. "Rise and shinesleepy head. He looks at me. His messy hair and red face are so cute. Makes me wanna just eat him up. Its kinda a turn on. (A/N: My own creation is gonna be the death of me i hope no one i know sees this 😂😂😂) i slowly crawl on top on him. Hhhmmmm lets see. I replaced all of his memorys without even looking at them with ones of me and him. I smirk and kiss his cheak. "Fffrrroossttt just give me 5 more minutes i feel exhausted." "No can do~" i playfully say. He remains unresponsive so i get a fun idea. I smirk even more and palm his pants on the spot. He jumps up blushing. "F-Frost!" I giggle at his cuteness. I make brackfast appear. He mumbles a slightly angry thank you. Which makes me smile. After we chat a bit and finnish our food he says. "Hey can we go to visit lucy?" Lucy was a friend i had put in his memorys a human tho. I had already changed everyones memorys to contain dipper in some way or another. "Shure love~" i made the plates disapear and dipper exitedly ran to put his shoes on before relizeing he already had them on. "Thats weird." He mumbled but paid no mind to it. As we were walking to lucys place a very angry girl that ive never seen before stomped up to us. Interupting our chat about lucys chickens and how v
Cute they were. "PINETREE!!!" he looked so cute and confused i couldnt help but smile until that girl took his arm. I frowned and took his hand. "COME WITH ME NOW AND YOUR PUNISHMENT WONT BE AS BAD!!!" "W-what?" I froze time. Everything but this girl. "I erased his memories." She says nothing but glares at me. I un freeze time again and she lets go of his arm. I smirk. I win. Until she smirks and starts laughing. She stops. "Finally ive got full power." He leaves the girls body and leaves her there and teloports away with MY Dipper. WHERE DID THEY GO. Panicked i look at the girl. I hafto wait till she wakes up. Shit.


I return pinetrees memories. I sigh. "I have so much more to do. It doesn't matter cause hes with me now though." He relizes and starts struggling tears pricking in his eyes trying to get my hand off his wrist. My sadistic side comes out a bit. I make him immortal i was gonna do that anyway. Ill fix everything later  but for now. Pinetrees punishment. I smirk a sadisticsmirk and teloport to the mindscape in my mansion. I toss him on the bed and my blue chains wrap around his wrists and ankles. He struggles against them crying. How cute~ i make his clothes disapear with a snap.
((A/N: Timeskip cause you all know what was gonna happen )


I lie in bed shakeing and crying. I hate this i hate everything i gave up im sorry im sorry im sorry please i just wanna die. I begged to no one in particular. Bill said he  was hoing to take care of that guy...he was so nice. If i left i would be punished again. I walked over to the mirror i look like shit i have brusis and bitemarks and love bites everywhere. Im not allowed clothes cause thats a part of my punishment. I get frustrated and punch the mirrior causeing it to brake. I look at my hand and its bleeding. I cry and fall to my knees cause im weak. I grab one of the shards of glass. Can i end jt. What did i do to deserve this. Im sorry.  Im sorry. Im sorry. This is my 4th suiside attempt. Hopefully my finnal. I close my eyes and start. Im immediately met with the comforting feeling of blood dripping down my skin. I exhale a sigh of relief. I can take my time. I start cutting everywhere even my face. I start to feel dizzy. And i hear somone shout out my name. I open my eyes everythings blurry but the persons crying? that bill? Oh well im gonna die soon anyway. Theres a bright light. I walk twords it. Goodbye world.

  ((A/N: this is not the end btw. Hope you likedit leave a comment plz thank you❤❤❤))


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