Her Confession

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"Swara, Bhaisaab is coming tomorrow. I came here to inform that." Raman informed and left the room angrily, leaving Swara startled.

"Bade Mamu. . ." She trialled off in aghast and Sanskaar arched his eye-brow.

"What happened?" 

"He's very strict, he would kill me assuming I ran away with you." She uttered and he held her hand. "I won't let anything happen to you."

She blinked at him, seeing his care and concern for her, feeling the seriousness in his words. She leaned forward, planting a soft kiss on his cheek, shocking him. His heart began to flatter while hers battered against her chest. She had been nervous but gave in after she felt an unknown urge.

While she leaned back, the two looked in each other's eyes.


"We will finish them. . ."

The machines began to realise a sound, alerting the hospital staff and a nurse rushed inside to check on Raka, who was moving his body in an unconscious state.

"Doctor! Doctor!" The nurse yelled and walked towards the bed, bending down to press the red button on the remote attached to the bed, to draw attention.

Soon after, two nurses and a doctor entered the room and the previous nurse pressed another button to turn the alarm off.

"This is weird. . ." The Doctor uttered after seeing Raka's state. "Sister, get the syringe of anaesthetic." The nurse rushes out to do as told.

"Sister, attach the oxygen mask." The Doctor asked the nurse standing near the bed and she nodded, doing as instructed.

The Doctor leaned forward with his stethoscope, hearing Raka's heartbeat.


"Thank you for being here for me."

He nodded his head and lowered his gazes, putting the plate of rice on the bed. Before he could stand up, she holds his hand to stop him.

"Sanskaar, I like you." She confesses and he was startled.

"You, what?" He shockingly asked and lifted his gazes to glance at her.

"I, like, you."

He freed his hand from her hold. "I'm not really up for a joke, I have things to do. . . I need to go."

"I'm not joking Sanskaar, I really like you."

He stares at her for a moment, seeing sincerity in her eyes and sighs. "Swara. . . I, I can't. I'm not worth you."

Swara's eyes moisten "What do you mean you're not worth me?"

"You deserve to be with someone better and that someone is not me."

"But I like you."

"Likes change Swara, I'm sure you'll start liking someone else. Just don't waste time on me."

Her tears seep down from her eyes and he glanced away, not being able to meet her eyes filled with tears.

"You're right Sanskaar, likes indeed change, so I don't like you. . . I'm sure I love you and I don't care if you don't love me back. . . I will always continue loving you till my last breath." She confessed and he clenched his fist, standing up without looking at her.

SwaSan FF: Intezaar [✔️]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang