The Journey

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Chapter 4: The Journey

She drops onto her seat and shivers, freezing for a moment as Sanskaar aimed the gun at the men. Ready to interrogate his way.

"Why are you here?" He questioned, staring at the men with anger.

"To kill you."

"Who sent you?"

"Bhai." The man in the front utters, fearlessly staring at Sanskaar with anger glimpsing from his eyes.

Sanskaar releases a scoff "That dog sent you to kill me?"

The men clench their fists, angry to hear their boss's insult.

"There's only one Bhai in this game and that is Bhao!" Sanskaar adds in a deadly warning tone, staring at the men.

"He's the dog in this game."

"Eyy!" Sanskaar angrily roars, forming his grip on the gun and the men startle, expect one.

"If you love your life then you better run otherwise my hands won't tremble while pulling the trigger." Sanskaar adds, moving his index finger towards the trigger.

The men behind the one who abused Bhao start running to save their lives while he, stood there boldly glaring at Sanskaar.

"Why are you still here?"

"I don't care if I die, I must kill you and that's why I was sent here." He replies, willing to sacrifice his life to act upon his boss's order.

"I won't kill you here, you're coming with me." Sanskaar pronounces before punching the guy in the nose.

The guy stumbles and slowly looses focus, blood drips down his nose and Sanskaar pushes him as he falls back on the seat. Sanskaar takes a seat besides him and turns his head towards Swara, who was traumatised by this incident.

A smirk plays on Sanskaar's lips and Gosh Kaka takes a seat on his seat. Swara slowly moves her gazes towards Sanskaar and the guy, distressed as the incident flashes in her mind.

'What did you do Swara? Who told you to act big? What if the bullet hit someone? The guilt of that would've ate you alive and you know that, why be so stupid Swara why?' She curses herself in her mind, regretting the moment she touched the gun.

She felt shivers run down her mind each time she recollected the minute of her embarrassment, she never felt so anxious before, today had even drowned her socialising skills, she doesn't feel like talking to anyone.

Her gazes move to the broken window and the sound of it cracking repeats in her mind, causing her to feel a lump down her throat, each time she swallowed, smiling was becoming hard for her, it felt like she was in courtroom, being convicted for something she didn't know was illegal.

The people on the bus turn towards Swara, staring at her and making her feel uncomfortable, Swara senses them and inhales a deep breath.

"W. . ." She couldn't feel her voice and inhaled a courageous deep breath, exhaling it bit by bit "What?" She managed to ask in a stern tone, keeping her expressions serious and firm, not wanting them to get a glimpse of how terrified she was within.

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