"Oh god! She sighed, closing her eyes helplessly.

"Don't worry, I'll help you clean." Raka says and she opens her eyes, taking a step inside.

Raka enters the house, feeling irked and dirty, wanting to run back out but he knew he couldn't leave Swara to clean it all alone.

"Let's start." Swara sighs, glancing around to make a start.

Raka makes a face, pulling the dirty white sheet off from the dining table.

Swara sniffs and so does Raka. "Where is this smell coming from?" Raka asks, turning towards Swara.

Swara looks at him and shrugs, they glance around to find out what was causing that unpleasant smell and finally Swara sees a bucket outside the door, she walks towards it and closes her mouth, feeling sick.

"Eeeee! Raka, it's this!"

Raka turns and heads towards Swara, looking at the bucket and rolling his eyes in displeasure, stopping himself from vomiting.

Raka and Swara instantly run out of the house, trying to replace that unpleasant and disgusting smell with the fresh air.

"I, I think I will faint."

"Same." He utters and both Raka and Swara look at each other.


Sanskaar had stepped out from his house, which was upstairs in the end, in between two yellow houses.

He plays on his phone while feeling hungry, he wanted to find food but wasn't sure where to get it from as he had no cash with him.

He hears a sound and walks towards the house, that had been locked for 4 years. "Why is the sound coming from there." He wondered, stopping outside the door.

He shockingly sees Swara and Raka cleaning, with a cloth over their nose and mouth.

"Who opened this house for them. . ." He mummers to himself, absolutely surprised. He knew no one from this colony would have dared to give space to Raka, who was an enemy of Bhao.

While cleaning the cobweb, Swara's eyes fall on Sanskaar and she glares at him.

'You'll pay the water price with something worse' She speaks in her mind and steps down from the stool, heading towards that bucket.

Taking the advantage of Sanskaar not focusing, she holds the bucket and heads towards him slyly. He was too busy thinking and as he looked up, he felt a thick slimy goo thump on his face and closed his eyes.

Raka stops playing with the broom and looks towards the door, dropping his mouth after seeing Sanskaar covered in the slime that caused unpleasant smell.

Swara drops the bucket next to Sanskaar and he opens his eyes.

"What the hell!" He shouts, wiping his face and feeling uneasy with the smell.

"Oh Billa. . ." Swara trails off, acting surprise "I didn't see you, I was just. . ." She acted innocent, pretending but he knew this wasn't an accident.

SwaSan FF: Intezaar [✔️]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora