"Whoever is helpless or in need, I'm always there for them and at the moment Raka needs me and is helpless, so that makes him my brother and I won't let you do any injustice with him." Swara firmly spoke, diverting Bhao and Sanskaar's attention back onto her.

Bhao couldn't believe what he was hearing and viewing, he had never seen anyone speak like that to Sanskaar till date and now, Swara has the courage to go against Sanskaar, which is a really unpleasant surprise for him.

"Just cut the crap and let me do my work!"

"If it was a good work, I wouldn't have stopped you but it's wrong!"

Sanskaar angrily throws the broken bottle onto the floor, shattering it into pieces. "Gosh! Why can't you just stay out of my way? Do you really think I would kill him? You don't even know what we do so just shut up!"

"I don't care! But I won't let you touch him, especially now, since he's my brother."

Sanskaar clenches his fist in irritation "You know what, make all our enemies your brothers and when we use a method to interrogate and try to know their motive, stick your leg in between and if we teach them who they messed with, them poke your nose in between and get me and Bhao killed, that's when you'll be glad, wouldn't you!"

He said it all in one go and she simply blinked at him, thinking about her response to that. She surely doesn't want anyone to die in front of her, even if it was her enemy.

"Look at him. . ." She trailed off, moving her eye towards Raka, glancing at him. "Does he look like a murder?" She questions, shifting her gazes back at Sanskaar and he moves his gazes to Raka. "You look worser than him, you look like a demon and that's why anyone could tell you're a murder but I don't think Raka would murder anyone." She insults and Sanskaar narrows his eyes in anger while moving them back towards Swara.

"You're going to regret one day for making him your brother." He warns and storms off, leaving Raka, Swara and Bhao.

Swara walks towards Raka to help him up and Bhao watches her. "Where will you take him? The whole colony will reject him after knowing what he tried to do."

"I didn't know who you were before but you also offered me help right? I'm sure everyone has a heart but they don't show it and about Raka, he will stay with me."

Raka looks at Swara while touching his stomach after successfully standing up. He isn't sure if she has a motive behind it or she really cares.

"No one will really like you."

Swara curls a small smile, turning towards Bhao "They wouldn't have anyways because me and that JB wouldn't have got along."


"Jungly Billa. . . Also known as Sanskaar." She yawned after revealing, showing her dislike for him.

"Ohh." He uttered and Swara started walking with Raka, being his support and the two stopped by the bench.

She helped him take and seat and Bhao continued looking at her, he somewhat started to appreciate her braveness yet was scared it might cause a problem for Sanskaar, who he treats no less than a son.

"Thank you for bringing me here and giving me a roof to stay under. . ." She uttered, turning towards Bhao "I'll never forget your favour." She continued and smiled.

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