"We call him Bhai because he is our saviour. I agree he can be rude, mean and be an aggressive person but he's good from his heart. He show's it less and it's not his fault, the circumstances made him cold but trust me beta, he is the kindest soul that I have met. A man who can risk his life to save another, how can he be cruel?" The conductor adds, starting to introduce the Sanskaar she was aware of and she blinks at him confusingly, ready to listen.

"He fights against bad but never shows good, he can risk his life but never let anyone show gratefulness because he doesn't like people getting too close to him. He creates this fear for one reason and that is. . . Not to feel loved to later be left alone. Not so that people can respect him, yes, he does want respect but not love." The conductor adds, engaging into the deeper meaning behind the way Sanskaar lives.

Sanskaar, who was listening clenches his fist, not pleased with what the conductor was revealing.

"He doesn't let injustice happen. Though people say he's mean, rude, arrogant, cocky. He would never stop saving others from the wrongdoings. I don't understand how the police could declare his as 'the most wanted gangster', he does have that potentiality to kill but he chooses to deal it with violence rather than murder. . . He has that potency to overtake any Don that's running the city's, especially Bhao, the one who he's working under, and he doesn't feel the need to take over and neither the urge to do that. Everyone know him and are mainly scared of him. It seems like you were unknown to all of this so I told you." The conductor continues and gazes at Swara who was shocked.

The conductor realised his words were deeply taken in account by Swara, who was now eager to hear more about Sanskaar.

"He was only 15 years old. . ." The conductor sighs, preparing himself to travel back to the past.

9 Years Ago:

"Huhhh. I can't believe Mr Maheshwari! He didn't even send a car for me, this shows how much he cares." Sanskaar frustratedly huffs as he was walking down the roads, probably back from school, on his own.

A bus stops and Sanskaar's gazes move to the entrance, from where the conductor (the same one narrating) had stepped down from.

"Gosh Kaka!" He chirps with a smile, walking towards him.

"Beta, what happened? Why are walking on your own?"

Sanskaar frowns "He did it again. He didn't send a car to pick me up."

"Oh. Come with us then, we will drop you."

Sanskaar shakes his head negatively. "No Gosh Kaka, you take this trouble everyday and I don't want to trouble you again. I don't have any money with me either."

"So what? We will collect money from you whenever you have them with you." He responds with a smile and Sanskaar blinks at him, deciding to go with him or not.

"My Baba won't give me any money, he's stingy and selfish. Maa doesn't have any money with her at the moment so I won't be able to give it." Sanskaar replies, realising his state as he's now officially moneyless.

As an injured man runs, he clashes into Sanskaar and as soon as his chest touches Sanskaar's, Sanskaar pushes him to the side.

"Watch it!" He yells, stacking his balance and gazes at the man, who was bleeding from his head, nose, lip and stomach.

Gosh Kaka, the conductor widens his eyes as he looks at the man.

"B. . . Bhao." He stuttered, feeling his heartbeat increase due to the fear.

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