Clean Slate

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Dawns POV:

I saw the blue girl lunge out of the bed and smack right dab into Liz and both fall onto the floor. "Ouch" I whispered. That must have hurt. I continued to watch until the newbie embraced my sister crying.

'I didn't expect her reaction to be that severe. I know I got the lay up on her, but...I may have gone overboard yet again.' I thought then silently chuckled to myself. 'Heh, Just my luck. Though she started it, I am ultimately at fault. Gosh dang.'

As the second in command of the last Spiriter group I have a reputation to uphold. I must be strong and act as such, especially in the time that we are in. It is a hard task to have, but so far I have been able to hold my own.

I looked over at the dark hallway in front of me and sighed. A wave of grief landed onto my shoulders. 'I should be the one in there right now, not Liz. Though she would have to come regardless.UGH, now I just feel horrible,' I clenched my fists. 'Maybe it's not too late...I will go in there, apologize, maybe hug-it-off...yeah that could work!' I thought determined. I need to fix my mistake without letting my sister fight my battle.

"HAHAHA Dawn wants hugs. Aww someone is jealous! HAHA!" A soft voice rang in my head. Of course my spirit would appear at the wrong time as always. My stone glowed and a snake appeared, coiling on my shoulders. It's smooth brown and orange scales slithered softly. "Bloody hell not!!! Terrous what are you doing?!" I whispered harshly. The snake gave a sly snaky grin.

"What does it look like I am doing? I'm proving myself, you are giving your feelings away. You're blushing." Terrous snickered. All of the sudden I felt warm blood rise to my cheeks. What was this snake saying...why the hell am I responding this way.

I quickly turned my face away from my spirit and glared, sweat dripped from my brow. "I am not blushing! I don't have feelings for that judgmental asshole." I said trying to state my case. All I wanted to do was try to be nice, but of course my spirit would take it the other way. This is why I hate Terrous so much these days.

The snake snickered again, "You do too! I am not stupid, Dawn, I can see right through your lies. I can see this from miles away, others probably can see it too!" Terrous then slithered his tale onto my cheek and pulled my face back to him.

I didn't want any of this especially from him. I always get this reaction if he starts saying crap like this. Why can't he leave me the freak alone, I just want to clean the slate between me and the newbie. I don't have least I don't think I do. UGH!

"Aww, did I make you embarrassed. Poor little Dawny, it's okay I wont tell." He then slithered his tale up my face to my forehead, pushing away my long orange hair that was covering it.

"If you were to make a move I suggest cutting this back to how it was. You looked nice...and not a wannabe bad ass." He sneared. I couldn't take this anymore, if he makes me snap I cannot guarantee that I will be able to keep my voice down.

Anger rose in the pit of my stomach, all I could do without loosing control is muster up a glare. "First off, this is none of your business. Second, fuck off with my hair, there is a reason I have it this way. I guess you forgot why?!" I paused as painful memories threatened to enter my mind. I pushed them away and continued to bash back at Terrous.

"Third, she might have caught my attention, however, it is way to soon to say anything on it. Heck it has only been two days. Don't say anything!!!" My anger continued to rise. I don't know if I can contain myself.

Terrous narrowed his eyes with a smile of victory. "I knew it! You still look ugly though..." He finished.

That's it I could no longer contain my anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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