Chapter 8: Visitors

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" Open the Gates!" The watchman's shout echoed down the desolate highway. In the distance, a pickup slowly pierced the fog, cutting through it like a knife. It's passengers like shadows, their features unreadable at this distance.

Morgan, the gatekeeper, had hopefully alerted enough guards to protect their small town. If not, he'd simply get his dogs. The truck coasted to a halt in front of the heavy pine Gates. It's riders slowly got off; He could make out more people from here: middle aged male, dark hair, and young middle age female, blonde hair.

As soon as the pair saw Morgan, the Gates creaked open. 7 guards, armed with automatic rifles, surrounded the group. The two looked no less calm. The girl shouted up to Morgan, "Long time no see, old friend!"

Morgan recognized that voice; it was that of their favorite hunter.
"Indeed." His response was friendly now. "However, our deal remains the same: in order to enter, you need to--". Mikayla held up her finger to pause him. She strolled to the back side of the truck, and uncovered a prize for the settlement: two male bucks, with full racks on their heads.

Morgan stifled a laugh. "You never cease to amaze me," he said. Although, I must ask who our new guest is."

His gaze shifted to that of the young man, still silent after all of their conversation.

The young man slowly rolled off the hood on his head, revealing dirty spruce hair, a scruffy face and eyes the color of the Caribbean. He handed one of his men a pamphlet. The soldier, Morgan remembered was an engineer, was apparently shocked by what he'd been given.

"Sir!" The guard shouted. "This man fought in the Battle of Hoover Dam. He was like Ol' Red, Sir!"

"Alright, I've heard enough. You can stay for the night." The pine barriers slowly swung Open, the guards escorting the couple inside. They walked a ways through a canyon-like pathway until a stone face came into view. Fireflies dimly lit the path and it's rocky walls, creating an ominous glow to the foggy night.

Morgan came down from their right, scaling a small cliff face with a taught rope. The stern look in his eyes were replaced with a look of ease. He gave Mikayla a hug, and firmly shook Armin's hand.

"Welcome, the both of you. And you, my new friend, welcome... to Sanctuary."

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