Vilkas x Reader - Becoming part of the family

Start from the beginning

"Yes! I love his stories." Alesan yelled, closing the door behind him.

Vilkas turned around and I looked back down at my dishes. He really knew how to handle them, it was almost, arousing.

I jumped slightly as I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"[Y/N], do you need any help?" Vilkas sounded... so different?

"No, why Vil?" I chuckled nervously.

"Are you sure?" He ran his hands down my arms and rested them on my waist.

I shivered as I lent back into his chest slightly, his scent was so inviting, his body so strong, his sexual prowess so powerful. I couldn't resist.

"I'm quite sure Vilkas." Jollop jumped up my leg and I snapped out of my trance. "You should really read to the kids."

"I will." He smiled into my neck. "In a moment."

He held my hands and turned me around to face him. "I'll do the dishes, you go to bed. I'll leave for Jorrvaskar once the kids are asleep."

"No, go and read to them." I turned back around and grabbed the towel. "I have just about finished here anyway."

"As you wish." He let me go and walked into the kid's room.

I looked down at Jollop, who was wagging his tail excitedly.

"Alright, alright." I chuckled. "You can have a carrot." I dried the bowl I was holding and placed it back in the draw. I walked around to the leftover carrots and scraped them into Jollop's now empty water bowl. "Here you go buddy, after that, it's off to bed with you too."

I went back to wiping down the clean bowls, but I was too distracted by the actions Vilkas took to me mere moments ago. So after putting the last bowl in the draw, I silently opened the bedroom door, just a crack, to watch Vilkas read to my kids.

They loved it so much that they were almost close to falling asleep when I opened the door. Vilkas finished the book, and placed it back into the chest at the end of Sofia's bed, then tucked them in. I leant against the door frame and watched as he kissed their foreheads goodnight, I thought: what a great father he will make one day. However, I also thought: why isn't he now?

"That was easier than normal." He smiled, as I backed up so he could close the door. "Normally they fight..." I crossed my arms. "I mean, beg me for another story."

"You know, maybe the kids were right." I smiled. "Maybe you should be their father." I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Aren't I already their father?" He laughed.

"Well, not officially."

He grasped my cheeks and pulled me in for a kiss. A passionate kiss, like nothing I had ever experienced before. His tongue began to lick for entrance when we heard a yawn.

"So you are going to be our dad?" Alesan smiled.

"Go to bed, you." I chuckled. "Vilkas and I are taking you out tomorrow."

"You are!"

"We are?" Vilkas smiled, raising an eyebrow of confusion.

"Yes. Now off with you, otherwise we don't go."

"Yes, mama. Goodnight mama." He hugged me. "Goodnight papa." He hugged Vilkas.

Vilkas looked stunned at first but eased into the hug once the word 'papa' registered.

We looked over to Jollop as Alsean closed his bedroom door, he was curled up next to the fire pit.

"Shall we make him go to bed too?" I asked Vilkas.

"Nah leave the pup, he looks warm and comfortable." He pulled me up the stairs. "Which is how I want to feel right now."

I laughed as he carried on to the room, and I opened Lydia's door.

"Hey, Lydia?" I smiled. "We are going to bed, and Vilkas is staying here. You are free to go to the..."

"Finally." She pushed past me. "I'm off to get a few drinks, have fun." She winked at me and clambered down the stairs.

Well, this is going to be one hell of a night.

Vilkas beckoned me to my room and I obeyed, closing the door behind us. Only to be attacked from behind and completely stripped of my clothes.

"Vil-!" He covered my mouth and picked me up, placing me down on the bed.

I giggled, pushing stray hair behind his ears. "What are you doing?"

"What I have wanted to do for a long time." He admitted, inserting a digit into my core.

I moaned, but it was cut short when Vilkas captured my lips in a passionate kiss. I wriggled beneath him as he quickened the pace, sticking yet another digit into me and pumping hard and fast.

I hadn't taken grumpy old Vilkas for such a sex enthusiast. In fact, I hadn't taken him for much but as a symbol of great strength and honour. And of course a figurehead for late-night masturbation. But no matter how I saw him, it always gave me great pride to walk by his side. I knew it made me happy, and really that is all I can ask of a husband, don't you think?

He finally broke the kiss and I drew in a long breath: "Vilkas..." I squeaked as he added another and slowed down to an agonisingly painful pace. "What about the kids?"

"It's fine, I will be quiet." He smirked, taking off his last items of clothing. "I'm not so sure about you though."

I hit his arm playfully and he chuckled. He lent down to kiss me, sliding one hand behind my head and tangling it into my hair. I really hoped that every night would be like this from now on.

And then the doors flew open.

"Mama! I can't sleep! I had a nightmare..." Sofia cried, rubbing her bloodshot eyes.

Luckily, we jumped to action and Vilkas picked up our underwear off the floor and threw the covers over us. I quickly adjusted my bra as Vilkas pulled up his boxers. And thankfully, Sofia was too busy rubbing her eyes to notice anything.

"Come to bed. You can sleep here with us tonight." I smiled softly.

She slumped over to us as I shimmied my panties back on. Crawling across the bed, she lay between us. Vilkas looked at me confused, I just shrugged as we lay down. Sofia sniffed and I wiped the tear stains from her cheeks.

"There, there dear. Vilkas and I are here, nothing can get you while we have you. Okay?" I lifted her head and she smiled.

"Okay." Her croaky voice was a clear indication that she needed sleep.

"Nothing can get past me down you worry." Vilkas smiled, kissing the top of her head.

She spun around and hugged him, then back to me and hugged me too before drifting off to sleep in our arms. She looked so peaceful between us, not afraid and not restless. 

"Well, that ruined the moment," I whispered to a sleepy-looking Vilkas. "Kids, am I right?"

"Yes, but I have a plan for tomorrow, don't you worry. I will get what I want." He leant over Sofia and gave me a small kiss on the forehead before we both fell asleep.

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