J'zargo x Reader - Announcing you are pregnant

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Aww this little fluffy man. But I still hate his stupid sensei strings. I wanted a short but sweet chapter so I made it this one! Here is some Catman fluff.

Fan Art: http://winterhold-college.deviantart.com/art/J-zargo-294609731


Life Is Precious

I had been worrying that I was pregnant for a while now. I knew that I was even though I had no solid proof. Call it a mother's instinct if you will. But I still hadn't told J'zargo.

I was afraid.

If he knew that I was afraid he would be pretty angry, he would always talk me up to anyone and everyone we met in the cities. He would say things like; "[Y/N] does more than fetch the mead", and "My desert flower is not a thief!", and "[Y/N] is the best mage there is, besides J'zargo that is", but mostly he'd say "Do you see my girlfriend? She's beautiful no?"

I, of course, was flattered by all this. He gave me courage when I needed it and he was the reason I was so happy nowadays. I wasn't afraid when I was with him, come bandits or dragons I was never scared. However I was scared of hurting my soon-to-be-child. And in turn hurting J'zargo by being pregnant, I mean we weren't even married yet!

We had come across a dog on the road, he looked like he wanted us to follow him.

"What's wrong boy?" I asked, bending down to greet him. "What are you trying o tell us?"

"Don't listen to dogs [Y/N]. Dogs can't be trusted." J'zargo complained, crossing his arms.

The dog ran off through Hjaalmarch and I looked to J'zargo with the most pleading eyes I could muster up.

"Fine." He gave in and we chased the dog to a shack in the middle of nowhere.

The shack was small, it had a shelf full of food and meat, a chair and a few barrels, and an assortment of alchemy ingredients. It was situated above a hill and it had a lovely view of the forest.

"J'zargo." I gasped, and grabbed his arm. "Look at this place its so small and cute!"

"J'zargo thinks you will not find it so cute when you turn this corner." He stated, staring at where the dog had gone.

I heard the dog whining around the corner and so I naturally assumed he was hurt and spun to face him. Oh my. He was hurt aright, just not physically. I looked on as he nudged the corpse of who I assumed was the dog's owner. My legs went weak as I was him practically crying and laying down next to his owner's bed. J'zargo walked up to the words bedside and grabbed a journal off the side.

"The journal said the dog's name is Meeko." He started. "It says that the Nord died of Rockjoint. J'zargo thinks he was a sad Nord. He says all his friends were dead."  He closed the journal and pet the dog. "Makes J'zargo realise how precious life is. Maybe J'zargo could deal with this dog for a while until we give him a new home. What do you say [Y/N]?" He smiled and turned to me.

I was shaking as I held myself up against the wall of the shack. Tears were streaming down my face and I was sniffling up a storm. I knew that mood swings were a part of pregnancy but by the Nine this was ridicules. I never cried.

"[Y/N]?" J'zargo exclaimed as he rushed to hold me in his arms.

"It's just... The dog was so sad... I can't... I..." I sniffled. "What if... That happened to us..." I was now breaking down on the floor as J'zargo held me closer.

"J'zargo would never let you get Rockjoint." He smiled, wiping my tears away with his paw.

"No I mean what if we die." I rubbed my nose. "What if we die and our kids end up like Meeko!" I was now fully sobbing into his shoulder.

"Ah." J'zargo said. "But we do not have children. And if we did then they would be more protected than a Nord in the middle of nowhere in a shack all alone now wouldn't they?"

I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Then I guess this is a good of a time as any to tell you." I smiled.

"[Y/N]." He held my shoulders. "You're..."

"Pregnant. Or at least I think I am." I smiled.

He picked me up and took me outside. Meeko followed. 

"J'zargo?" I asked.

His face was focused, not the goofy smile or cocky smirk I was used to. No there was a seriousness to his frown. Oh god I knew he would be angry.

He placed me down on a fallen tree and knelt down on one knee before me. Meeko barked and sat next to me as if he was making sure we wouldn't get interrupted. J'zargo raised his hands to me as if he was about to...

"J'zargo!" I panicked.

"[Y/N], trust J'zargo." He stated sternly.

I placed my hands over my eyes and braced for impact as J'zargo blasted me with a spell.

"You weren't lying to J'zargo." He said.

I removed my hands, there was nothing different about me. 

"J'zargo? What did you do?" I asked, concerned as to whether the spell had even worked or not.

"J'zargo learnt a Life Detect spell to help you with your adventures." I looked him in the eyes as he moved his hands to his sides. "But J'zargo must admit, this was a much more exciting way to use the spell for a firs time."

I smiled and Meeko barked. J'zargo patted the dog's head and he lay down next to us. We didn't move for a while, J'zargo just kept on stroking the dog and I looked at him with a fond expression. He is going to be a great father.

"Will you marry J'zargo?" He asked, taking my hand. 

I smiled so brightly that I watched J'zargo get infected by my smile. I leaped on him from the log and Meeko sat up, wagging his tail with a smile.

"Yes!" I shouted before peppering J'zargo's face with kisses.

"[Y/N]!" He chuckled between breaths, "Watch the baby. That's a precious life you got in there." 

I smiled and backed away, holding his face in my hands. "Sure is."

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