"By the way, we're quiet because the little ones are in bed. Jack and James. I'm sure Mackenzie's told you about them, since you spend so much time together." She tells me as she leads us through the compact house.

I find myself nodding and murmuring in confirmation, slipping back to the awkward Johnny. The Johnny that's shy and polite. Maddie seems to be very different to her sister; she's good at making conversation with randoms and even more comfortable meeting new people.

"Do you sleep better, you know, with Kenzie?" She asks me boldly, throwing her hair behind her shoulder to look at me as we walk.

Yeah... she's definitely not like Mackenzie. She's definitely not shy.

"Yeah." I nod kindly. "She helps. Now I help her, I suppose."

She smiles softly back at me, and stops outside a grey door. "This is her room. See you in the morning. Thanks for helping."

"It's okay." I murmur, watching her leave before pushing open the door to Mackenzie's room as quietly as possible. I survey the room, straining my eyes to see throught the dark. Two beds are in the room, one duvet grey and the other a bright blue. A window sits in the middle of one wall but they view outside is blocked by navy curtains that have stars embroidered on them. Mackenzie's lying in one bed, and her sister sitting on another.

"Hiya." I say, giving Kenzie a small, and awkward, smile.

"Hi." She replies.

I lean against a wall awkwardly, self-conscious with her sister in her room. "Ash, you have to go now. Please?" Mackenzie asks.

"Why?" Ashley whisper-yells back at her sister, looking at me and then quickly away.

"I want to sleep with John. Is that so hard to understand?" Mackenzie sighs.

Ashley does a double take, eyebrows furrowing and the corner of her mouth twitching.

"Fuck." Mackenzie whispers. "Not like that, I didn't mean it like that." She then tells me.

"It's okay." I say to her while blushing, but all I can think about is how pretty she made cursing sound.

Ashley leaves soon after with a small smile gracing her lips. She's shaking her head.

I tentatively walk to the end of her bed and sit there, feet still resting on the ground. Mackenzie flicks a lamp on, wincing.

"Does it hurt your eyes? The light?" I ask quietly.

"Not really." She lets out a small breath. "It hurt more this morning when I actually had the headache."

I nod slowly. "So you're better now?"

"A lot," She starts, "But it still fucking hurts."

I laugh slowly, savouring the sound of her quiet giggles. She doesn't laugh often.

"I– do... Do you want to go to sleep now, or..." I stutter, tangling my hands together.

"You can come lie." She says quietly. "But is it okay if we talk a bit?"

"It's okay." I reply, pulling my feet up off the ground and moving beside her. I came in light grey sweatpants and a slightly darker hoodie, so I'm not restricted or uncomfortable as I stretch out beside her.

"I thought I signed up for The Professional Cuddler so I could get some money. But... I don't think I did anymore. I think, subconsciously, I wanted to help people that can't sleep becuase I know how it feels... You know?" She asks, turning her wide and blinking brown eyes to mine.

the professional cuddler • jenzieWhere stories live. Discover now