Something on the lines of a tag

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Tagged by PheebMcGeeb thank you even though I already said thanks XD

Name: Maria

Age: Guess..I don't care

3 things I fear:
I'm passing on this one

3 things I love:
-Sleeping in my bed (or the couch in my living room or basement or just the floor too)
-My cacti
-Being alone

Turn ons:
-Tight pants
-British accents
-Dapper men
(Why exactly am I telling you this? There's more, I just don't want to say more XD)

Best friend: Uhh Uhm Hmm...Lets see my school friend Faith is my closest. And on here my closest is probably Jelly (you know who you are)

Sexuality: Straight

First date: Never had one

Height: 5' 1"

What do I miss: One of my closest uncles whom recently passed away

Do I have a crush: Ugh I've already said this before. Yes, yes I do.

Favourite quote: 'If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite' ~Aldous Huxley

Favourite place: I've always wanted to go to Venice..but that's highly unlikely. But other than that, there's a huge empty field on an iron ore dump that's really fun to go to and lay in the grass.. and sometimes there's giant hay bales to climb on... That's a lot of information but you're welcome

Do I use sarcasm: No, not at all.

What am I listening to right now: Captain Glory by Electric Prunes

Shoe size: 8 1/2 in women's (depending on what brand)

Eye colour: One blue and one green eye

Favourite style of clothing: I wear pretty much anything but shorts and name brand clothing

Have you ever done a prank phone call: Why yes I have

Meaning behind my username: Uhm well I'm a Wholigan and the 'Tenement' part comes from Queen's song Tenement Funster... So yeah...

Favourite film: Tombstone, Outlaw Josey Wales, High Plains Drifter, Quadrophenia

Favourite song: I have lots and I'm too lazy to name them

How I feel right now: Tired and stressed. Simplest way to put it

Relationship with my parents: I think we have a good relationship..I don't really think much about it

Favourite holiday: Halloween. The only time I don't get yelled at by scaring young children..

Tattoos/piercings: I have no tattoos or piercings. But I do plan on getting a tattoo

I'll just tagged radiomeddows Onehitwonder18 LonelyPretzel6

AnyWho, ✌️❤️ and Ringo Starr

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