Very important update

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*waves* Hello everyone. So I feel super bad that I never update, and when I mean never I mean never... I honestly don't even know where this book is going to go. I don't want to put it back on hold and make everyone just wait for an update. I mean I just want to put this book on complete but I don't know... I just don't like doing this to everyone. And I also don't want to press that bloody arse button to put on completion so my whole heart can just be all sad knowing that I'll probably never even work on this again (even though I actually can)

I enjoy writing about all this classic rock stuff. But I also don't want to do a bunch of stupid updates just to make more chapters and have this whole book just go to complete shit

Can someone just help me? I want opinions from you guys... I don't know what to do right now, I'm just in a tight situation...

AnyWho, ✌️❤️ and Ringo Starr...
Also rest in peace Ox...

15 years ago today he passed

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15 years ago today he passed...I'd write more but that would make me feel even sadder but I love you John, you'll always have a special place in my heart.

(Jeez I just butchered this chapter *laughs awkwardly* Yeah that's sad... sorry..?)

Queen + The Who (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora