Chapter 8 Heating Rune and a Frozen Journal

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"You mean... I have super abilities?"

"Yes, you just need to learn how to control them" I said. Alec seemed a little less schocked, but I realised that Alec can't go through with this on his own, and it is sort of my fault.

"Jace and I will help you control your powers" Jace sat next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Thanks Clary" Alec said as he was just about to leave the room.

"We start today, 1 o'clock in the training room" Jace added.

Jace kissed my cheek. "You should get some more sleep, it's going to be a big day" I nod and lay back down. Jace rested his hand on my now growing stomach.

The sun shone bright through the window, I could smell the scent of chocolate ice cream and french fries coming from the kitchen. I got up and wandered into the kitchen where Jace was putting chocolate ice cream in a bowl and heating up fries.

"Hey" I walked in sleepily and sat at one of the bar stools.

"Hey beautiful" Jace kissed me sweetly, wrapping his hands around my waist. The kiss seemed to go on forever until my stomach grumbled.

Jace laughed against my lips.

"Somebody's hungry" he teased.

"Hey, I am eating for two" Jace placed the food in front of me and I ate it quickly. My stomach clenched my hand flew to my mouth as I ran towards the bathroom, before I knew it Jace was behind me holding my hair back as I threw up violently into the toilet.

"You okay?" He asked sweetly

"Yeah, never been better" I joked. He picked me up and stood me on my feet, handing me a glass of water.

"Here, drink this. It will make you feel better" I gulped it down and nodded.


1 o'clock came sooner then I expected as Jace and I made our way into the training room hand in hand, we stepped in the room and it felt cold, I shivered a little. Jace got out his stele and drew a heating rune on my shoulder and I smiled as body heated up.

"Sorry about that Clary" Alec said as he dropped down from one of the beams in the ceiling.

"Don't worry. It's not your fault" he just shrugged and walked towards us.

"Okay Alec, try to relax and think of something happy, the happiest memory you can" I say while looking him in the eye. I watched him closely as he loosened his muscles and unclenched his hands, I watched as a smile spread across his face.

"Now, keep thinking of that memory. But open your eyes" he opened his eyes slowly and the smile stayed on his face as he studied the room around him. The cold air around me seemed to grow warmer, I looked to Jace and he smiled.

"Okay. Now pick something up, but keep thinking of that happy thought" he walked over to a table that Jace had set up, it had lots of different objects on it. He hesitantly picked up the teddy bear that Jace stole from Izzy's room, Alec, Jace and I examined the teddy bear carefully as Alec held it. It didn't freeze over, it looked exactly the same, Alec's smile grew bigger.

Alec reached for the old journal that Jace and I found in our room. He picked it up and held it in his hand so we could see. His smile grew bigger as it stayed there for a few minutes, suddenly the room grew colder and the journal started to freeze over. Alec dropped the journal and sighed.

"That was a good try. You almost had it, how about we try it again tomorrow?" He nodded still looking down. Jace walked towards Alec.

"How about we try to use your power as a weapon now?" Jace said with a menacing grin on his face. Alec looked up and the grin on his face matched Jace's and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

" Jace Herondale if this ends up with the training room freezing over then you will be sleeping on the floor tonight"

"Sure I will" Jace said while Alec laughed in the background.

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