8: The Fall of a Ghostbuster

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Ligen created a giant spear in his hands. It was large enough for him to hold, but he sat it down for a moment and it was normal size. At least to me. He picked it up again and looked at all of us with a smile. He pushed us out of the way, leaving Janine in front of him.

“I think a perfect thing to do is kill the woman Dr. Spengler loves,” Ligen said and he raised his spear. Janine looked up with fear in her eyes, almost like she couldn’t move.

Time seemed to stand still. I stood up and ran towards Janine while the others were only able to watch. Egon stared wide eyed in horror has Ligen moved the spear down. I finally reach her, and I pushed her out of the way. I felt the metal and wood go through my stomach. Everyone become so quite has I fell to my knees holding the place where the spear went into my body, straight through.

“Natalie!” Egon yelled trying to get out of the chains. The guys and Janine ran over to me has I fell down on my back. I saw Ligen shrink down to human size and let Egon run over to me. He picked my head up and looked down at me, tears in his eyes. “Natalie, please don’t die. Please.”

“Egon,” I said, my voice weak and creaking. I saw Ligen pull the spear out of my body, but I didn’t feel it.

“Cora,” he called to her, and I saw her kneeling beside me, “you have to save her!”

“I can’t’ Egon,” she told him. “It’s too much for me to do. I would if I could, but I can’t. I’m so sorry Egon. You too Natalie.”

“It’s fine,” I told her. “Egon, it’s not your fault.” I raised my hand and pointed my finger at Ligen. “It’s his fault!”

“Natalie, don’t go,” Egon cried into my shoulder. “I’ve lost you too many times. This time I can’t’ get you back! Not if you die! Please Nat. You promised.”

“I’m sorry Egon. I can’t fight this,” I felt him take my blood covered hands.

“Natalie please.” I was seeing spots on my vision. I couldn’t fight the black that wanted to take me. I just couldn’t keep this up.

“I love you Egon,” I told him. He nodded, the chains hitting my head a bit. “Don’t stop fighting him. Don’t ever let him win. None of you let any ghost win. Please. I love you all, and I’m going to miss you. You guys gave me so much hope about myself. You gave me a chance, and I don’t know if it was worth it. All I know is that it helped me remember how much I needed my twin brother and how great it was to have friends again. Don’t forget me. I love you all.”

“We love you Nat,” Peter said wiping tears from him eyes.

“We won’t forget you,” Ray told me with a smile, tears also in his eyes. Cora smiled down at me.

“You were the fifth Ghostbuster,” she told me. “No one can forget that.” Time seemed to stand still, the others didn’t’ move. A young version of Cora walked over, but the older version was standing still. She took my hand from Egon who didn’t reach.

“It’s time to go,” she told me.

“Why aren’t they moving?” I asked her. She smiled weakly.

“You’re dead,” she answered sadly. “Cora told me to take you away or at least to her mother.”

“Who are you?” I asked standing up.


“Then I guess let’s go.”

“Do you want to say good-bye again?”

I looked at the still Egon who was looking so sadly at me. I leaned down and kissed his cheek, hoping he felt it. I moved a piece of hair off of his glasses.

“I’ll never forget you Egon,” I whispered in his ear. “I promise. I love you.”

“It’s time to go,” I hear another woman tell me. I looked up and saw a woman with large white wings. She was wearing a long white dress that covered her feet. Her eyes were the same color has Cora’s, has was her hair. She took my hand and I saw the crown on her head.

“Where are we going?” I asked has both her and Jewel flew me into the air.

“To heaven,” the woman spoke. “I’m the queen of angels, and it’s time for you to rest Natalie Spengler. You’ve fought for so long. Now you don’t have to fight. Let’s go.”

I nodded and let myself be taken away. I was leaving behind my friends and family, but I didn’t have to fight. I knew that Ligen had my brother in his clutches, but now I didn’t have to worry about it. The care of the world was now taken off of my shoulder has the Queen of Angels and Jewel took me up into the clouds.

 Isn't that sad? I'm sorry, but I did tell you all that one of the Ghostbusters was going to die. I guess you all didn't think I meant Nat, huh? Nikki, will you please let me finish this book series before you kill me? Thanks. Anyway, going to be a few more chapters before the next book happens. That is if my stars don't kill me first... Peace out my Stars! 

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