Chapter 2

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The bell rings.
I start walking to my first class with Caleb.
"So, what was that about with Finn?" He says, his jaw slightly clenching.
Oh no Caleb, not today.
"Oh it was nothing, trust me." I say putting a hand on his shoulder.
He sighs.
"You know you can always talk to me right? You know I love you and I'll always be here for you." He says looking directly into my blue eyes with his deep dark brown eyes, putting me in some kind of trance.
I smile at his words.
"I know that Caleb, and I love you too, so much."
Caleb and I have always liked each other. Ever since Millie and I became friends with the boys, he was always the nicest to me.
We just clicked.
I can't even explain it.
As we walk into class, something feels different.
I sit down, as Caleb sits in front of me, and I get my books out.
I check the time.
I look to the left to see an empty seat.
The fire still hasn't died down.
As long as I don't know where she is, it's not going to die down.
Everyone sits down ready for the lesson to start, until the speakers make a loud squeaking noise.
I cover my ears, the noise is almost deafening.
"Attention students." The head teacher starts to announce.
This cannot be good.
"We have received upsetting news about a certain student here in Eastwood High."
"We are very sad to say that our beloved student Millie Bobby Brown passed away this morning."
I could feel my heart completely break.
I stood up, running out of the classroom.
I didn't know where to go.
I didn't know what to do.
I didn't know if I could live.
"Sadie wait!" I could hear Caleb calling.
But everything was muffled.
Tears completely blurred my vision.
I couldn't see where I was going.
I could hear the muffled calls of my name.
But I didn't care.
I couldn't carry on anymore.
My body dropped to the floor, feeling like I had no power over it.
I started sobbing uncontrollably.
I could feel Caleb wrapping his arms around me from behind, as if he was putting a protective barrier around me, excluding me from the world.
I grabbed onto his arms and tears would not stop rolling down my cheeks.
I felt like I was being torn apart.
It felt as if my world was crumbling down, and no one could pick up the pieces.
No one.
Not even Millie.
I would never see her beautiful smile again, her curly brown hair, I would never get to gossip with her again, I would never hear her voice again.
I would never see my best friend again.
And that hit me even harder.
I couldn't control myself, I kept sobbing and sobbing.
I was stuck.
Time felt as if it was completely frozen, like the moment would never end.
And it didn't.
Soooo this chapter is pretty short but emotional whoops

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