The Secret

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-Jacky's pov-

        Why did I run? Thats what I've been asking myself for the past hour. Marky ran after me but she couldn't keep up with me and I hid in a closet. I punched that girl and I saw blood come out. I had to run. If I didn't I don't know what would've happened. I heard some noise. I didn't want to do anything, but I heard Marky and April. "THIS WOULDNT HAVE HAPPENED IF YOU HAD BEEN WATCHING HER MARKY!" April screamed. Marky just stayed silent. She didnt do anything! Maybe I should come out. No I can't control myself... I heard another voice that I couldn't recognize, "Marky didn't do anything bad, but we have to find her before the boss finds out" I backed farther into the closet, I bumped into something. I turned around and screamed. It was the thing in my dream! The closet door opened and I felt hands take me out.

-Markys pov-
    I grabbed Jacky out of the closet and pulled her away from the others. She needs food, I didn't see her eat and the doctor told us to eat. Or rather she told me to make sure that everyone did. If I had been watching her the bullies wouldn't have came. Why must there always be something wrong? Maybe I should find Anti or Dark. Yes, I think I'll do that. So I called on the phone they gave me. The phone couldn't do anything except call them and play a few games. I shivered, why'd they even give me this? "Hello?" I had called Dark, "Hey, I found Jacky!" "We must make sure shes fine, bring her to the trees, I wanna see something." "Alright!" I helped her get there.

Maybe things would work out.

-Jacky's pov-
       I walked over to the trees. Were they going to punish me? I didn't know all I heard was that I was supposed to be by the trees.
      What could they possibly do? Send me to a cell? Kill me? No. So what were they willing to do? I saw Dark sitting with Anti. They kinda looked cute together. Are they gay or not? Why was I wondering this? Can't I just live life without this?
       Without my ships? Maybe, Maybe not. Anti and Dark rose and told us, "We haven't told you guys why you are here at all. You are here because you might have a cure. A cure for a plague that has been a secret for 3 years. You are believed to have the gene for the cure. Its called the File gene."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2018 ⏰

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