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~Jackys pov~

I couldn't move. There were so many tiny spiders crawling on me holding me down. I couldn't scream or open my eyes. What was going on?? I wanted to get up, so I started to move. I lifted my hands and I heard hissing. "JACKY!"

I bolted straight up. What? A cell? "Oh my gosh Jacky!" Marky said. "Marky!" "HEY DOC!" Marky yelled. What is she doing? I saw someone come around a corner.  "Ah so you made it!" She giggled. Is she psycho?  "Hello my name is Aphmau!"

~Markys pov~

"But you can call me Jess!" That's why I recognized her. Don't let her near Jacky. What the? "I'm here to make sure tests are run smoothly!" She laughed. "What tests?" Said a voice in the cell next to mine. "GLAD YOU ASKED APRIL!" Don't let her near Jacky. Why do you keep saying that? "As you all know , you guys are part in an ongoing experiment. We are testing your ability to work with the program.  We turned you all into better versions than our other experiments. We are the-" "WE DONT CARE, WHAT DID YOU DO TO US!" Jacky yelled. What happened with her eyes? "Temper temper, Jacky, don't make me come in there." Don't let her near- I KNOW. "Don't," I said, "Please." "Well what I was going to say before Jacky interrupted, was what we did to you was we turned April and Marky into Meif'wa. April into a vampire Meif'wa, and Marky into a Demon Meif'wa. Not my first choice, but I made it work. Which brings us to you Jacky. You are our prize. A Demon Ultima Werewolf. I had to create yours from scratch. Female Ultimas are unheard of," She laughed ," I had my husband bite your arm so you would change and mixed a special potion up. It was very hard. We didn't think you would pull though." "Aph, we have to go the boss wants to see you." "Ok, put them into the next cell stage please, Jason."

~Jackys pov~

We were taken to one big cell on the other side of the building. I didn't know where Jordan was, but I knew he was alive, I felt it. April was quietly crying, I didn't know what to do, so I just walked. We were in the new cell, but I just sat down. What was I going to say to Marky? To my parents? To the world? I was a monster. I kinda liked Marky's tail and ears. They were so cute! Kinda like the Aphmau videos we watched. To think, Aphmau was a crazy doctor. "Hey Jacky?" Marky said. "Yeah?" "I'm not sure when we are going home or anywhere so I want to tell you that I broke your phone that one time you thought you dropped it." "Really, now?" I started laughing. "Hey I'm serious..." I giggled, "That was just so random!" She just wanted you to let your guard down so she can strike. What the hell are you saying? I'm just saying. "So when are we going to get out of here?" "We aren't." said April. I jumped I forgot she was there. "Where do you come from April?" I asked. "I lived in a small town out side of here." The intercom came on and said, "Please exit the cell stage two and go to the right."

~Aprils pov~

Those other girls are weird, laughing during this all. We went into what looked like a training room. There were people everywhere training, what for I don't know. We went into a changing room and they gave us gym clothes. Fresh ones. We changed and we went out. That Aphmau character came and told us, "We have you the purrfect trainers!" So we followed without a word. We went to three people standing over by the weights. "These are your trainers! Be good!" And she left. The dark looking one talked first, "Welcome to first day of training." The one in the middle started taking, "My name is Pewds, don't ever call me Pewdiepie, I will take April to train, if that's OK with you, Dark." "Fine, but I'm taking Marky, Anti you take Jacky." And with that we split up. Pewds didn't take long finding me something to do. "Start doing the weights." And with that I took off and I went to bench press.

~Markys pov~

We split and Dark, I think that was his name, told me that we were going for a run. So as I was running I let my mind drift about the last few days. I heard Jacky scream so many times about something.. I barely know what she could have been screaming about. Maybe she had hallucinations? I don't know. Maybe.

~Jackys pov~

When we spilt, I could see Anti didn't want to do this training. So we instead went into a room and started throwing knifes. Whenever I was home alone I would always go into the woods and start throwing the kitchen knifes at the trees. One time Marky caught me doing that and she didn't ask why. I wonder why? "What are you thinking about?" Anti asked suddenly. "Nothing!" I replied. "Righttttt." He said. I said, "What?" "You're just throwing knifes and you have this face, thats screaming you wanna murder someone." "Nope." I said hurriedly.  Lier Shut up! You know you could murder everyone here. Get out of my head!

ThE InsAnItY of Us All: Project 55 (Jacky and Marky) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang