Chapter 3

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Dylan's POV

I was just walking in the park trying to think about anything but the pack right now.

Shane, my alpha , was being so difficult. He was angry because rouges were invading and he hadn't found his mate.

I hadn't either but I wasn't throwing a tantrum like a two year old.

I was 22 now and didn't have a mate. I was getting a little down. I don't think I'll ever find my mate.

I'll be a mateless beta.




I kinda just stopped walking as I saw a beautiful girl sitting on a bench sketching.

The wind blew and I smelt the most tantalizing scent. It was like watermelon and honey.

My wolf screamed mate. I was overjoyed. I slowly walked behind her and put my face close to hers. She was sketch an image of a little girl on a swing being pushed my her mother.

I looked up seeing the drawling was of the two people in front of us.

Suddenly her head snapped looking straight into my eyes. Her hair was a beautiful blond and explosion of beautiful blue.

I smiled widely and hugged her tight.

I was to happy to notice she had pepper spray before it was to late.

She sprayed me in the eyes and I released  her grabbing my eyes.

Finally I looked up to see her jump into a car a drive hastily away.

I couldn't let my mate leave me she was mine! So with that I hopped into my car and followed her.

I might have seemed like a creeper but I needed my beautiful mate.

I watched as she ran into an apartment building and then about 5 minutes latter walk out in a new outfit.

That's when I noticed she was human or at least she acted as she was.

When she got to her car she turned her head and saw me. Shit! Now she probably thinks I'm a stalker.

Her eyes widened and she drove very quickly away from the apartment.

Following her I saw her stop at a house. She got out with a smile.

God I loved her smile. I wanted to hold her to kiss her. My wolf howled. He wanted to mark what was his.

I stared longingly at her wishing she would just be with me.

She waltz into the house and then closed the door behind her.

I sat there thinking of her and wishing she hadn't run away. Then I heard the door open. My head snapped up to see her with a little girl on her hip and a guy.

My heart sank a little. Why was she with that guy and why was she carrying that cute little girl?

Then the man wrapped his arms around her waste saying how beautiful his wife and daughter were.


No this couldn't happen. My heart broke into two. I nearly cried.

My beautiful mate said thanks and pecked him on the cheek. Then the little girl chanted daddy as the guy picked her up.

I was so upset. That was suppose to be me! NOT HIM!

That moment I vowed I'd do anything it took to get her with me even if it was against her will.

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