Desire:@nother one damn then I better get double the presents for my birthday

Nicki:shut up and you know u will bae

I smiled

destiny: what is it

Nicki:well its a present for both of you kind of.anyways l.o.v.e will be doing a music video to y'all song youc'e with mindless behavior as y'all dancers

(@uthors note:BTW youce is there song in this story )

me and destiny:YAY!!!!!!!

drake:tomorrow's rehearsal


desire:yess it's gonna be lit and I heard that mindless behavior is sexy

drake:ok well I'm going to bed goodnight girls


then he went upstairs

Nicki:desire don't you still go out with that boy

desire:yeah so

destiny: so that means you can't do nothing des

desire: @int no one said I was gonna do nothing i just said they were cute thats all and even if was going to do something he wouldn't know they all way in Miami pssh like I give a fuck what he say about what I do he ain't my master

Nicki:but he still your boyfriend you should be trustworthy

Destiny:exactly he could come and fly out here anytime

Desire:ok then let him come he is not my everything I can live with out him I'm not saying I dont want him but I know I don't love him he ain't got enough package to mach me I can flirt if I want to flirt I mean who knows what he doing in Miami he could be screwing some hoe from LaGuardia

Destiny: don't think like that he isn't

Desire:how the fuck you know u there with I didn't think so

then she went upstairs

destiny POV

I followed her upstairs this girl always acting like a bitch I'm one to but she a bitchy ass hoe I mean she thinks she can just mess with who ever whenever without a care in the world know matter who she hurts then she thinks that its ok cuz they might be doing the same thing like the fuck kind of excuse is that Ik its ok to flirt sometimes but knowing my sister it would be more than that I love her but somtimes I just want to hate her I don't want to see her hurt every one in the world isn't nice especially if your Nicki Minaj daughter.I went in her room and saw her laying on her bed

Desire: destiny look I really don't feel like talking to you right now

Destiny:well you don't have to talk just listen

desire:destiny plz

destiny: no you are going to listen I don't care if I have to force you


destiny:come on desire

desire:Were we going I know u bout to get out of my motherfucking room

Destiny:No I want to-gco

Desire:I don't care what you want to do

then she got up and pushed me out her room and closed the door and locked it

I went downstairs were mom was sitting on the couch

destiny:what am I supposed to do

Nicki I don't know your her sister

Destiny:she's your daughter


Destiny: so your supposed to help her Jeez your just like her

Nicki:ya ok its her life she can do what ever she wants if she screws it up than that's her problem I tell her what to do all the time she doesn't listen I'm not trying to make her angrier than she already is if she says she ain't gonna do nothing than she won't if you really want good advice ask your dad

destiny:you know how he acts during this type of situation he is overprotective

Nicki:I'll try to talk to him


I went over and hugged her

Nicki:trust me she is my daughter I will never let anything happen to her or you if it do I got my AK 47

I laughed

Destiny: I know you won't I'm going to bed goodnight

Nicki:good night

tomorrow is gonna be a long ass day

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