My BFF's brother; a Forbidden Lovestory (Albus Severus)

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The area around the Black Lake was filled with chatter, students talking among each other and having fun. In the middle of February, this was one of the few days the sun was so warm and it seemed every student had decided to leave the castle and go out to enjoy some of the warmth. You were one of those students, having always loved the heat the sun provided, the promise of the gentle breeze against your skin rather compelling after all the days you had spent closed off in your room or in class, only leaving for a meal, your textbooks your closest friends now OWLs were only a few months away. Right next to you sat your best friend, Lily Potter, relaxing in the sun next to you the way you did, a small smile on her lips. She had been quiet for a while now and you were honestly rather curious as to why she stayed quiet for that long but you didn't dare say a word just in case she would decide to start talking again.

You loved Lily, you really did. Sometimes it was better if she didn't talk, though. You wanted some peace and quiet at points. 

You kept on looking ahead at the waters of the lake, content in your little bubble only you and Lily existed in until a shadow moved to rest right on you. Your brows furrowed in slight confusion and you looked up, only for your eyes to widen the moment you noticed who was standing in front of you.

Two boys were right beside you, one being Scorpius Malfoy, and the other, the one you were more interested in, was Albus Potter. You sent them both a small smile, attempted to not show any sort of embarrassment or look at Albus longer than you were supposed to. Then, they sat down right next to you, Albus on your side while Scorpius moved a bit closer to your legs so he would be able to see Lily better.

"Hey," he greeted you both, and Lily opened her eyes, her lips curling into a smile as she noticed them. 

"Hey to you too," she greeted them, "finished with your studies for the day?"

"Not quite, we are just taking a break," Scorpius informed her, paying no heed to Albus's deep sigh at his best friend's decision. You sent a small, comforting smile to Albus.

"Studying sucks, I know."

"You've always seemed to do well, though," Albus protested with a small frown. "Truly, if I judged the traits of a Hufflepuff based on you it would be no surprise to me that you are hardworking."

You smiled, looked away in an effort to not show how shy you were at the compliment. Being best friends with Lily Potter ever since you were both first-years meant you were quite familiar with her family, and they were quite familiar with you. They knew a great deal of things about you, some more embarrassing or humiliating than others, and a few other that could be considered pride inducing. The good part about this was that they knew you well. That was also the bad part of this deal, though – they knew you too well. And so, your crush on him could never be anything more than that. Even though you really wanted it to be. So here you were, stuck in the same position as always, trying to not show your attraction to Albus or anyone in his family enviroment, knowing your feelings would not be returned. All the while, he kept on being the great guy he always was.

"Yeah, she is pretty great," Lily smiled your way, completely oblivious to your train of thought as she looked over you, to her brother. "Just a few months until everything is over, Albus."

"Yeah, I know," he scowled, "Scorpius has counted the days until the start of our NEWTs and he has hang a calendar in our dormitory. Every day that passes he crosses it out and decreases the number of days left until then. I've told him time and time again it only brings me stress but will he listen? Of course not."

"I find it liberating," Scorpius defended himself, "if you listened to my reasoning you too would see the appeal and would think of this differently."

Albus sent him a look you knew meant he didn't believe him at all, and sensing a dispute about to take place, you cleared your throat, chose to step in. "Perhaps you should place the calendar in a place only you can see, Scorpius? So Albus isn't so stressed out by it."

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