"You shitty piece of flith" Haya seethed furiously

"I will give you 5 hours. Sign the papers and make him sign them too or he will be dead in no time" He said and stood up to leave

"How did you knew?" Amaan's voice stopped him in his tracks and he turned back to face him

"How did you knew where to find us? You seemed to already know where we were going? How did you knew?" He asked

Nadir smiled, the smile conveying victory and evilness "you don't need to be a genious to figure that out" he answered

Amaan didn't answered. He had suspicions but he didn't wanted them to be true. So he waited until Nadir himself revealed.

"Bring her in!" He shouted the order

Two guys bought Samreen in by holding her with her arms. Haya had a very decent image of being a wreck until she looked at Samreen. Her eyes were blood shot red. Her scarf dishellved and stray strands sticked on her tear strained cheeks. She didn't dared to look at Amaan or Haya. She simply stared at the cold floor beneath her whilst fresh set of tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Why don't you ask her? You have Five hours. I am sure you will take time to listen to her as well"

The guys holding Samreen loosened their grip over her and she fell down with a thud.

Images flashed before Haya

Change in Samreen's countenance when Haya mentioned Nadir

Samreen on phone with someone

Samreen texting someone before leaving

Samreen directing to go through this particular damned road

She gasped as realisation hit her like an arrow piercing through her heart



Zipping her suitcase, Daila sighed "Finally! Everything is packed"

Areeba nodded as Daila placed the suitcases in one corner of the room.

"Daila can i ask you something?" Areeba asked

Daila sat on couch and gestured her to continue

"Do you still love him?" She asked

Daila grew rigid. Her jaw stiffned "yes. I do."

"But you left him"

"That was the biggest mistake of my life"

"So you decided to come back and slip back into his life?" 

"Yes. Yes i did. But now i know that's not possible"

"And that's why you are going back?"

"Why are you asking me all this?" Daila frowned

"Are you Sorry for what you did?"

Married To My Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now