Before I opened my door , he grabbed my arm ,"Hey Penelope , I mean Jasmine. Even though you raised hell in here , I did enjoy your company sometimes."

"Sometimes?" I laughed.

He smiled , "Well all the time. So I guess this is goodbye?" He extended his hand.

I took it , "Goodbye."

And I was gone. . not for long.


Carol's POV

"So her real name is Penelope?" I asked Davon. He couldn't wait to tell me this. He was blowing my phone up the minute she left.

"Yes. When we were at the hospital, she told the doctor that her name was Jasmine Welkins and I was confused because I didn't know she changed her name."

"You know she's in love with you. Why wouldn't she change her name."

"That's besides the point Carol , I'm just glad she's gone. We need to move away from that house. Start a new life." He suggested.

"We? My mom didn't tell you?" I asked.

"No. Cathy didn't tell me anything. What's going on?"

"I already got my own space. I found a house down south , and all my things are going to be moved there by next week."

"South of where Carol?" He asked worried.

"I'm moving to Texas." I said.
I figured that if I move far away from all this drama , that I could eventually get away from it forever.

"So you're leaving me and Davis. Why would you do that?!" He asked.

"Oh , I'm taking him with me. He can't be around you anymore. I'm getting full custody."

"So you're just going to take my fucking son away from me like that? All his family and friends lives here in California , why would you take our child somewhere else where he don't know anyone?" He complained.

"That's the whole point of moving Davon! I don't want anyone to know who I am! I'm tired of being here cause all the drama happens here. I'm ready to leave this bullshit."

"Let me come with you." He spoke softly.

"No. You're apart of the drama too Davon!"

"I'm coming over to get my son , you're not taking him anywhere!" He yelled and hung up. 

I had to leave quick! He was not taking Davis from me, hell no!

"Davis wake up baby , wake up." I said shaking him and grabbing him some clothes.

"What mama is it time for school?" He asked wiping his eyes.

"No baby , not yet. Just wake up , we're going over James's house." I said packing everything I could into one suitcase.

"Mama. I'm tired can we go there later?" He asked whining.

"No we have to go there now, now Davis. Get up!"


I knocked on his door so hard, like someone was chasing behind us. I turned my phone off and kept knocking until he came to the door.

"Hey Carol what's wrong?" He asked , letting us in.

"Can my son lay down somewhere , I woke him up. He's very tired" I asked panicking.

"Calm down sweetie. He can lay in the guest room,right down the hall." He said pointing.

I took Davis in the room.and closed the door , leaving it cracked a little.

My Bestfriend's Fiance Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now