Luffy: You Are My Fire

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Anyway, I wrote this cause the weather is on their period tbh. It's hot as hell out there then it's freezing my fingers off the next. Pick a side dang it.]

Cold!Reader x Luffy

You shivered as another large gust of wind passed by and you snuggled more into the blanket you brought outside. It was your turn as the lookout after your crewmembers hustled inside for warmth. You absolutely loved the cold but ... not like this (;-;). Your feet and hands were approaching close to the temperature of what felt like ice. You breathed on your hands to warm them up which helped litte.

"(YYY/N)!!!" a voice screamed from below. "Where did you go?!"

You peeked out from the crow's nest and saw Luffy scanning the ship. "Captain! Over here!" You waved him over.

"Oh there you are!" He grinned and stretched his arms, gripping onto the sides of the crow's nest. He hopped over it and lands next to you with a wide grin. "What are you doing out here anyway? It's so cold."

"It's my turn to watch the ship remember?" you sighed and shivered.

"Are you alright? You're shaking a lot." His voice was covered with concern. He kneels down next to you and holds your hand. You blush a bit but managed to hide it in the cold.

"How are you so warm?" You can even feel the heat radiating off of him and all he was wearing was his usual attire.

"Shishishishi I guess I'll have to warm you up."

"What are you suggesting you cheeky little-," you laughed as you tugged at his cheeks.

Suddenly, Luffy places his hands on each side of your face. He seemed to have become much closer than before and your heart throbs a little faster.

"You're cold here too..." he whispered. He rubs your cheeks which were red from the cold. "I've missed you (Y/n)."

Your mouth curves up slightly and you rake your fingers through his soft hair. "There hasn't been a day where I didn't think of you, captain. It's truly been too long after two years."

You notice something change in his eyes. It becomes glossy and he quickly hides his face on your chest. You wrap the blanket around Luffy's body and yours, repostioning yourself to make it more comfortable.

"Luffy ... what's wrong?" you ask. As you pet his head, you feel something moist against your sweater. "Hey, I'm here. Luffy, if you're uncomfortable talking about it, it's fi-"

"I miss him," he mumbles.

It surprised you since this man was always so happy-go-lucky. It's rare to see this side of him.

"Oh, Luffy." You pull him closer to your chest and lift his chin up. Warm tears were slipping down his face. You rubbed the tears away with your thumb and hugged him tightly, placing your head on his shoulder.

"When I had heard about Marineford, I felt ... hopeless. You were alone, fighting against them without us and I just ... felt like the worst person. I couldn't do anything while you were in pain. I was basically like any other stranger. I love you so much, but as your lover, I couldn't even do something to catch you when you had fallen."

You felt him burst with more tears. Your cheeks had already become stained with your own.

"But, I'm still here*," you assured him. You break the embrace and place his hand over your heart. You did the same to Luffy. "Can you feel my heartbeat?*"

He nods and you wipe another tear from his face.

"Well I know that Ace still lives on inside you. I can feel it, your passion and his flame within your heart is never-ending. I love you so much, you melt my heart."

You lean over and kiss his forehead. Then, Luffy closes the distance between your lips and his. It only lasts for a short moment because of the crying and gasping for air.

"I love you (Y/n), don't ever leave me," he manages to say. "Captain's orders."

"I know, I won't."

You kiss away the tears on his cheeks and he laughs heartily.

"There's my Luffy."

Once the two of you had settled down, sleep immediately fell upon the two of you. The crew woke up to find you and the captain cuddled up in each other's company. They were amused and curious about what had happened last night but they carried on for the day to come.

A/n: DID I FORGET TO MENTION ANGST? OOOPSIES. I don't know why but I'm suddenly in the writing spirit even with these painful classes I should be more worried about. Ahahha thanks for tolerating me.

*STeVen UnIVERsE!!! Check it out (I'm still here)! It's a soundtrack. In fact it goes well with this part honestly...

(Sorry, I'm a giant sucker for YoI)

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